Chapter 8

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Lilac's POV

"How do you feel?"

"I feel fine." I roll my eyes and laugh. "How long have I been out."

"Err. Like 4 to 5 hours?"

"What? What time is it!"

"Um. 11 almost 12."

"Oh gawd." Well that was a while.

"Dad was here for a while but had to go after two hours for his next shift. He felt bad for leaving."

I smile. "He's fine." I still feel Will's hand on mine. He still didn't let go. Neither did I. I wasn't planning to anyways. Not after that. I'm not saying anything if Landon or Aria is here.

"Oh and Nina got asked to the ball!" Aria tried to change the topic even though I could see she was scared as well. You can always count on Ari to enlighten your day.

"That's wonderful!" I sit up a little.

"The doctor said you're free to leave when you wake up sooo." Landon stared at me questioning.

"Absolutely! I can't stand hospitals."

We laughed lightly.

"Can I have a moment with Will?" I tighten my grip on his hand as he was about to get up. He quickly sat down.

Aria smirked at us and left happily.

"Oo" I heard her voice faint as the door closed.

"She's something else." I laugh.

"What happened?" Will grabbed both my hands and stared at me worriedly.

"You don't have to be worried, Will. I'm fine."

He smiles weakly. I leave my hands from his hands to his face. I put two fingers on the corner of his mouth and bring them up to the smile I love to see.

I laugh softly. "Will, I heard you."

"Huh? Uh what?" He turned red. It was honestly really funny.

"I heard you when you were in here first. I just couldn't bring myself to react or say anything. I couldn't open my eyes."

"So are you going to tell me to leave you alone?" His face dropped.

"You make me sound like a horrible person." I laugh.

"Oh you are." Will laughs and stares at me. "So what happened earlier. You bailed on Owen."

"I feel bad for that. It's just it happened to suddenly. It just reminded me of.. him. Lync."

Will brushed out hair from my face. "It's okay Lilac."

I sighed as I felt his hands rub against my face.

"You should talk to him. You're still going to the ball with him, right?"

I've forgotten about that. I wish Will hadn't asked me that.

"Oh right. Uh yeah."

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah. Can you wait outside for me? I have to get ready."

Will stands up over me and kisses my forehead.

I know he likes me. Why is he suggesting for me to go off with Owen. I want to be with Will.

Okay then, fine! Two can play that game.

Before he left, he laughed a little as he saw my angry face.

He closed the door.

I got up and went to the bathroom to wash myself up.

I know exactly what to do tomorrow.

After I'm done, I leave with Will. I make sure to keep my distance. We meet Landon and Ari in the lobby, smiling.

"Oh! Hey! You guys ready!"

Woah Ari sounded way too jumpy. Okay then.


We left the hospital after checking out. I was still way to tired and found myself taking a little nap on Will's shoulder.


"So you're still going with him."

I groaned. "Yes!"

"Why?" Aria shrugged.

"Because... I. I uh feel bad for bailing on him."

"Or maybe you're trying to get him jealous." Nina winked at me and laughed.


"Will! Lilac! You're the first girl he has ever looked in that way."

"What way." I sit back in my chair shyly.

"The oh my gosh she's beautiful I'm in love look!"

Aria laughed as Nina dramatically explained.

"That's not what he thinks."

My eyes catch sight on Courtney. Perfect.

"I'm going to the bathroom." I get up and head to the hallway. If I walk in front of Courtney, she will immediately make fun of me.

I just stand there. Looking like a complete fool. *sigh*


"Thank you."

"What is it, grape." Courtney rolled her eyes. "I have better places to be."

"Are you going to the ball?"

"Yes and Will is going to ask me so don't even bother to-"

I cut her off. "Nice! Take him. Have him. Do anything you want with him. I don't own him."

She just stared at me. "I didn't need your permission. Oh and I will." She left.

I sighed. That girl is messed up.

"You're really gonna give me away?"

I jumped up and turned around.


I breathed in and out to calm myself. "What?"

"You're gonna give me away?"

I shrug awkwardly. "Sure."

"You can't get rid of me." Will stepped closer and I stepped back nervously. "You have to understand that I won't hurt you."

I slightly shudder.

"You're auctioning me? To her?" He raised his eyebrow.

I nodded. "You need a date. I got you one."

"I could have gone with you."

I glare at him. Does he really think I'm that easy? "No you can't. I'm going with Owen."

"No come with me."

"No! I'm going with Owen. You do not control me! If it's such a problem, go fuck off then!" I stomp away in regret. I think I was too harsh.

Wait no, it's fine Lilac! It's Will.


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