Chapter 6

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Lilac's POV


"Afraid not, Lilac. A masquerade ball seems... well... out of our budget."

"We can do a bunch of fund raisers then. It'll be easy. Trust me."

"I'll take your word for it."

"Then I'm spreading the word around the school. I know a few people who can help."

"Very well then."

"Plus, the student body would probably love something as big as this ball. And I can decorate it and all!"

"Perfect then!"

"I won't let you guys down."

"You're a very bright young women, Lilac."

I can't help but smile.

"Thank you, Ms. Usher."

"No problem. Now, you may leave."

I left and felt honestly so proud. I've never really had suggested an idea that someone agreed with.

Now I have to tell everyone somehow. Yay. Great.



"That is so cool."

I giggle at Ari's and Nina's reactions.

"Yep! Make sure to spread the word. Please. Otherwise it's not happening."

"I gotchu!"

"Well." Landon dropped his tray on the table making me flinch. I thought his food was gonna pop off. "Looks like Will isn't accompanying us this fine lunch."

I stared at Will who was talking with Spencer. "I guess."

"What'd you do this time, Li."

"It's not what I did. It's what he did." I crossed my arms angrily.

Nina sighed hopelessly. "You two are seriously like a bunch of children. Like grow up and solve this matter appropriately. Go talk to him. Gosh." Nina stared at her tray. "Oo! Pasta."

Landon and Aria laughed, but I was in deep thought of what she said. She's right. Ugh! Why is Nina always right!

"I'm going to talk to him."


"Right now." I think I'm starting to stall.

"Ok then."

"Yeah. Watch me go talk to him."

Suddenly I felt a hand shove me and me being clumsy and hopeless, I fall to the ground. Oh gosh you could here and huge thump on the ground from Australia.

"Aria! Seriously!"

"Can you go now!!!"

I get up and brush the invisible dirt of me. Yeah I'm stalling again.

I sighed and start walking. Ugh I don't like this.


Will turns to face me and smiles. All of a sudden, his face turns serious.

"Lilac. What are you doing here?" He raised his eyebrows in a confused manner.

"Um. I- I'm sorry for the other day when I yelled at you."

There was an awkward silence that was broken by Will taking my hand and leading me to the hallway.

"I should be the on apologizing."

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