Chapter 5

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Lilac's POV

"Wait! Li! Lilac!" I heard a voice shouting for me and I was quite aware of who's it was. But I still walked.

Then a hand on my arm jolted me back. I gasp almost as if I'm scared. Which I am and I'm standing in front of Will who looks really confused.

He looks really awkward and unaware of what to say.

"Bye." I said almost leaving. My legs felt like jelly. I was ready to bolt out of there.

"Wait! Why are you avoiding me. Or I mean us! Your friends and me. Heck, even your brother."

"Doesn't matter." I said sheepishly.

"Why can't you tell me. There has to be a reason."


"JUST TELL ME, GODDAMN IT!" He looked stressed.

"Don't hit me, please!" I plead. I gasp as I said that. My heart pounded and I felt weak.

"I'm so sorry, Lilac. I don't know what came over me- wait what? Why would I hit you?!"

"Uh." I run away and head in the girls bathroom. No way he can get me in there.

I break down crying.

"I know she's in here! Oh.."

"Lilac! There you- oh. Oh my gosh are you okay?"

I look up a little to see Nina and Ari. I look back down. I'm not letting them see me like this.

"Omg Lilac you okay? Are you hurt?"

They both take me in their arms and I hug them as tight as I could.

"I- I thought Will was gonna hit me." I said breaking down once more.

"Goodness no! Lilac! He would never do that. Sure he has a temper but he would NEVER hit anyone. Unless they hit him first. And unless it's a guy."

"I'm so sorry, guys. I've been avoiding you all because I thought it was best. Plus, who'd want to be with someone broken like me?"

"Li." Nina put her hand on my shoulder. "You don't have to tell us what happened in our past. What matters most is if you're okay or not."

They both smile at me. They are truly the best things. It made me a lot more better that they weren't forcing me to speak and that they cared about how I am instead.

"I love you, both." I said finally feeling a smile on my face.

"Hey, you can't avoid us! We're your best friends and it's impossible to let go of us 'cause we're special." Aria said laughing.


We step in the lunch room and I stand behind Ari and Nina shyly.

"Lilac!" Landon jumped on me and hugged me. I have to say, avoiding Landon was hardest of all. Considering he's my brother and he's annoying. But he made sure not to bother me. I knew he wanted to wait for me until I was ready to finally speak to them.

I laugh as he almost knocks me out. "Jesus, get off me you big loof!" He laughs and smiles big. 

"Come on, let's sit."

I sit down and Will sits across from me. He has a sad expression on his face but also a confused expression. He looks up at me and I can tell by how his eyes sparkled, that he was truly sorry.

"It's okay, Will."

"How'd you know-"

"I'm okay." I said assuringly.

"I wouldn't even forgive myself. Why the hell are you forgiving me." He said shocked.

"People deserve a second chance. Some people at least." I rub my arm underneath the table.


It was the end of the day and Landon, Aria, and Will were walking beside me.

"See you three tomorrow." Aria went in her house and we arrive at ours.

Will stood outside. Landon went inside.

"Aren't you going to your house?" I said confused.

"Lilac, I know."

"Excuse me?" I said hoping he's not talking about what I think he's implying to.

"I know about Lync and how he used to hit you, okay?"

I looked at him shocked. "What. WILL, HOW COULD YOU?! I told you to stay out of my life. But you didn't listen!"

"Lilac, I'm sorry! I was worried about you!"

"Just go. If all you wanted to see was a broken, weak, and helpless girl, then you saw her. Now go."

"No lilac wait! Please forgive me."
He plead.

"Go! I see Courtney at your door, by the way." I glance at his door while Courtney is hitting his door.

"I'm sorry."

I didn't want to hear any of it. I go inside and cry. I look out the window and see Will letting Courtney in. Probably about to use her.

I don't know why, but seeing Will do that breaks me even more.

"Li?" My dad walks in confused.


He opens his arms out and I run to hug him.

I don't really remember the last time him and I actually hugged. He's not really a guy who would hug.

"What's wrong, sweetie?" He runs his hands through my hair.

That when I noticed that it's dangerous to keep my feelings locked up in me. I burst out crying even more, ready to explode.

"Dad, I-I'm scared."

"Why? What's scaring you?" He lead me to the couch and sat down holding my hand waiting for me to speak.

"Lately. I- I've been having dreams about mom. And how she forced L-Lync on me. And how he used me and hit me. For his own pleasure."

"But sweetie, that's in the past now. He's in jail. We're long away from your mother. We moved here for your fresh start."

"I understand that. But it's hard to forget about it. It still haunts me."

"If only you told me what was actually happening. Lilac, you can't keep your fears to yourself. Talk to me. Talk to your brother and friends."

"I don't want them to feel bad for me. Or look at me differently." I wiped clean a tear.

"No one is going to. Trust me."

I hugged him again. A wave of relief washed over me. "Thank you, dad. For everything."

"Anytime, flower."

I smiled at his old nickname for me. Flower.

Right now at this point of my life, I felt like a flower ready to die, again.


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