Chapter 21

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Lilac's POV

I parked the car in the parking lot and sighed.

The guy was writing at his clip board. He sighed and put it down.

"Well that went really well. Good job." He help out his hand for me to shake.

I take and slightly smile.

"You passed. You'll get your license in a couple of weeks."

I smile again and leave the car.

I walk to a nearby ice cream deli and smile at the cool air that blew onto my face.

There was a couple of people around.

"Hi can I just.."

All of a sudden, I didn't feel like I needed to eat. My stomach felt full but I haven't ate anything today.

I shook my head. "Never mind. Imma just.. sit."

The lady nodded at me, confused.

I sat down and fiddled with my fingers.

"No one should be alone in here."

He sat down in the chair in front of me with a large cup of ice cream and two spoons.


"How are you these days?"

"Why are you here, Will."

He sighed. "Just because we're not together anymore, does not mean we can't be friends anymore. Now tell me how you are."

I sighed and looked down. "Im good."

He stared at me and half smiled. "Here. Have some."

I shook my head. "No I'm good."

"Have you ate something today?"

I looked down guilty.

Will placed his hand on top of mine. I sit up straight when he does so.

"Eat it. It'll make you feel better."

I slightly smile and take the extra spoon and take a bit of chocolate ice cream.

"That's good." I said almost whispering.

He smiled big. "Yeah!"

Will's POV

Okay we "accidentally" ran into each other. And by "accidentally" I mean that I was walking and saw her and followed her here.

It makes me feel terrible when she doesn't eat.

Lynn might be able to help her with her anxiety and fears, but I can help her through her eating disorder.

I stared at her as she ate the remaining ice cream. She had a bit of chocolate that surrounded her mouth. Her skin was a beautiful pale color and her eyes were bright. I think she re-dyed her hair recently. It looked more purple then usual.

She looked beautiful sitting across from me. I probably looked like some desperate monkey right now.

"I love you and you're beautiful."

She froze and put her cup down.

"Probably should've thought about that when you were kissing Courtney." She muttered under her breath. She got up, pushed in her chair, swung her bag on her shoulder, and left.

I looked down and sighed. I mess everything up.

Lilac's POV

I check my phone for messages.

Lynn: hey beautiful, meet me at the park near your house. I wanna hear about your test and your day. Plus I have a surprise for you.

I smile at the message and start walking home.

My phone rings again and I pick up.


"Lilac. Please come home. Please."

I stop walking and hang up. My mind goes blank but I feel myself running home.

I slammed the door opened.

"Damn Lilac careful."Landon looks at me shocked.

"What happened. Is everyone all right?"

Landon looks down. I could tell he was crying because he was trying to avoid looking at me.

"Landon. What's wrong." I slowly walk towards him.

He stares at me and cries again.


I wipe my tears and run into the lobby. I felt like I've been in this hospital too many times.

I ran to the lady behind the counter.

"Where's my dad. I need to see him! James Austin!"

She grew scared. "Room 356!"

I ran not saying a word.

I opened the door to his door and breathed shakily. My trembling hands knocked on his door.

"You can head right in, miss." The doctor was walking down the hall and granted me passage.

I turned the knob and tried to hold in my tears.


"Oh hey kiddo."

"Dad." I choked back my tears and hugged him.

"Hey. It's fine. Everything will be okay."

"How can you act like everything is okay?" I hugged him tightly and started crying.

The doctor I saw before came inside. He sighed and put his clip board on the counter and sat on a little stool beside us.

"Mr. Austin, I'm sorry to say that you have a brain tumor and-"

He continued talking but I blanked out. Everything was dark and seemed lonely.


He held me tight while I cried on his shoulder and sat on his lap.

"Please stop crying. It hurts me to see you like this."

I can't stop crying. I might lose my dad.

I tugged on Will's shirt and cried in his neck.

He kissed my cheek and slightly let go of me. He cupped my face.

"Hey, hey. Look at me."

I stared in his eyes. I probably looked like a mess.

"You have to be strong. And if not for yourself, for your dad."

Tears kept strolling down my face and I was shaking.

He kissed my face and hugged me again. He played with my hair which calmed me down a little.


"Wait. I forgot I had to meet up with Lynn. He must've been waiting.."

"I don't get it."

I got off his lap and he stood up. I wiped my tears away and stared at him.

"You used to be scared of him and now it's like he's your everything. I can't help but feel jealous and stare at a wall to distract me from my broken heart. I hate to stay up late and not be able to fall asleep because all I can think of, is you and I can't stop thinking about you! It's like he can make you feel better than I could've ever done."

He put his jacket on and started leaving.

"Wait. Will."

"No. I'm leaving Lilac. You've hurt me a lot."

He slammed my door shut and left my house.

I stared out the window as he stomped away. I started tearing up again and got to the ground and held myself.


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