Chapter 20

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Will's POV

I've never been more lost in my entire life.

"Uh what are you staring at?" Spencer stared at me.

"The wall. It's like a nice crème color. A nice kind of white."

"What's wrong with you?"

"Lilac broke up with me. I've never been more empty and sad than right now."

"Will, you have dozens of other girls in line for you. I have the other dozens."

"Woah, aren't you dating Nina?"

"Yeah. She doesn't have to know. And either way, I like her more than the girl last night."

That's just wrong.

"That's just wrong."

"Well you just gotta live sometimes." He drank from his water bottle.

"Yeah. Live."

Doesn't he understand that in order for me to live, I need my flower?! And he's cheating on Nina?!


I entered the lunch room. I feel a bit more better than before.

"Hey, heard you're free." A girl walked past me and winked.

"Yeah." I smiled.

I heard Lilac's laughter. Why is she with him? And laughing?

Without thinking, I came over. "Wow Lynn does seem like a terrible person, right Aria? Nina?" I glared at them. They stayed silent.

"Will, what are you doing?" Lilac glared at me.

"Yeah, who do think you are?" Lynn stared at me.

"I'm her boyfriend. Well..ex- boyfriend but still."

"Will." Lilac grabbed my arm and led me out.

"I don't get it!"

"Will! For the first time in about five years, im happy! I don't feel scared or weak! Now that him and I are friends, I'm not constantly worrying. Don't you want me to feel safe and happy?"

"Of course. But with me.. as your boyfriend."

"You're kind of being selfish." She left me in the hallway.

I sighed. "At least you aren't dramatic." I said to the wall.

I'm a joke.

Landon's POV

"Aria." I whisper shouted.


"Can I talk to you?"

"Sure. Hold on." She plopped one more fry in her mouth.

She sat next to me. "So?"

I put my hand behind her head and leaned in to kiss her, but she stopped me.

She held her finger to my face.
"Hold on, im still eating a fry."

We both laugh softly.


I lean in again and kiss her. I feel like it's been a while since I've truly showed her how much I like her with all the Lynn and Lilac and the weird Will who seems to be in a relationship with a wall and Nina who barely talks to Spencer.

"Why did you kiss me?"

"Just to remind you that I love you."

She looked down and blushed. "I know. It's been kind of crazy lately."

She hugged me tight. "I'm so happy."

"Good." I hugged her back and ruffled her hair. She let go. I'm legit dazed by her bright eyes and beautiful complexion.

Lynn's POV

"I hate to come in this school to create drama."

Lilac had her arm on the table and was holding her head up with her hand. She nodded and smiled. "I wish they could forget about the past. It's horrible to dwell on it."

"I just want to focus on this moment with you."

She smiled and tried to hide her blushing. She's so cute.

Lilac's POV

"I need to do something."


"Something I should have done a long time ago."

I got up and headed to Courtney's table.

"Ah, hey grape."

"My name is Lilac, Sasha." I smiled. "Courtney. Can I speak with you?"

Courtney sighed. "Fine. Make it quick."

We went out in the hallway.

"Courtney, if you ever want to leave your house, you're always welcomed in mine."

Courtney stayed silent. "Why would I do that?" Her voice started breaking.

"I know that you have a hard time at your home. If there's a day when it gets too much for you, you're welcomed to stay at my place."

Courtney started tearing up and shaking up. She pulled me in a hug and started sobbing. "Thank you. Thank you so much. You're truly an angel." She started crying.

"It's okay. Let it out. I don't want you to keep it to yourself. I'm always here."


Nina's POV

All this couple stuff is kinda bumming me out. Lilac and Lynn obviously like each other. Aria and Landon are practically down each other's throats right now. Will keeps on eyeing... the wall.

Wait... did Sasha seriously wink at my boyfriend?

That's it. You mess with me? Ooo. I walked confidently toward Spencer and Sasha. Time for a little test.

"Spencer! Mind coming over my house tonight?"

"Uhm no. He asked me to sleep with him tonight." Sasha crossed her arms angrily.

"Thought so." I went up to Spencer's ear. "You cannot mess with my heart or you'll regret it."

I walked away. Wow I am proud of myself. People are so dumb.

I turned to leave the room and run into Will.

"Hey Will?"

"This wall turns me on." Will continued staring at the wall. "Sorry what?"

I dragged him to a table. "Quit staring at the wall and live for a while."

Will's POV

If I stare at a wall, it just distracts me. I thought I broke lilac's heart. But it's like she's stomping all over mine. Along with Lynn, a guy she was terrified of because he abused her.

How come I couldn't help her like how Lynn is somehow helping her.

I just wasn't good enough for her. But I loved her. She never loved me.

Lilac's POV

It probably was never meant to be.


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