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We're fast forwarding this tour


Today was the day we get to leave and go back to the states. It was kind of bitter sweet because I have to leave my fans because someone decided to sell fake tickets, but my fans got their money back, but I'm also going home to see my family. I miss that good kush Lin got.

I was almost done packin' until my manager came knockin' at my door.

"Wassup man?" I gave him dap and let him in.

"Look man, I don't know how you gon feel about this, but we have to stay our here for an extra twp days." Manny said bitin' into an apple.

"Oh hell no! I'on wanna stay here. Nigga, the food is nasty as hell. I came to another country to eat food that's from America! Nope. No No No I refuse."

I threw my hands in the air and walked over to the couch and plopped down.

"Listen man. I already set you up an interview to get your mind off of the whole havin' to stay thing, so get dressed. You're leavin' in about three or five minutes." He up and left, so I just kept what I had on which was some denim jeans, a yellow short sleeve shirt, and my retro 7 Cardinals.


I was laid up on the couch in the living room with Sky and my baby when I got a text from August's manager saying to watch a live interview of August on some website.

I synced my phone to my T.V. so me and Skyler could watch it.

"Wassup guys, I'm Tod Scooter and today I'm with the famous August Alsina."


"Nothing man, so how was the tour?"

"It was fun man. I really enjoyed it. Man these international girls, they weird." August shook his head.

"Please, elaborate."

"Well, there was this stalker chick and the was all up on me. Like the bitch stayed jockin my shit. I told my fiance about it."

The interview looked off to the side and back to August who didn't pay attention to his gesture. "This "stalker" wouldn't have to be a female named Ana."

"I think that's her name.. Yeah.. I think so."

I sat Kevin down next to me and scooted to the edge of the couch.

"Well she's here. She says that she had some news for the "Augsey" fans."

This Hispanic chick walks out on the stage and sits down next to August. He looked at her and then scooted away from her.

"So do you know August?" Tod had asked.

August cut her off before she could speak. "Hell No!

"I know August. He's so sweet. He's made me promises. Like promises to leave his girl and to come for me. One night, haha, I saw him at the club. He walked over to me smiling. I asked him what's wrong and he said come back to his hotel room and you know."

"Woow! I just don't understand why a person would lie about some shit like that. You must be a sick twisted broad to make that shit up. Bitch you deserve an Academy Award for that act right der. Look man, I'm sorry Tod, but I can't deal with this bullshit because that's what this shit is. Complete bullshit." He got up and dropped the mic back on the couch. Manny walked onto set and ended the interview.

Forever and Always (TMOA Sequel)( August Alsina Story)Where stories live. Discover now