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Man, the day I've been dreadin' and then again waitin' for. I have to leave to Germany. It's bitter sweet though. The sweet thing about it is that I get to see my international fans, but the bitter part is that I have to leave my beautiful fiance and my son.

I got out of the bed at 5:30 AM and got my bags out of the room and put them in the back of my car. I went back into the room to do my hygiene and then woke up Li.

"Baybeh.... Bae" I shook her, but she wouldn't move. "Lin.... LINDSEY"

"Damn nigga... the fuck you yellin' for?" She turned over and put her face in the pillow. I shook my head.

"Get ready. You have to take me to the airport."

She slowly got out of the bed and walked into the bathroom. She ain't feel like doing' her hair last night, so her bed hair was somethin' serious. I swear I heard her gasp when she went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror.

While she got ready I went upstairs to wake up Kevin.

"Wassup man. What's good Kevin LaBranch Alsina?" I said as I was greeted by him already up layin' in his crib. He looked at me and tried to smile.

I got him dressed in his onezie and his little baby hat.

When I finished I sat down in the chair in his room and held him

"Listen lil man, Imma be gon for a couple of months and imma need you to hold it down. Make sure no nigga rub up on yo mama. If they do pull yo glock out and bang bang on the nigga. Okay? I'll bail you outta jail and anythin'. Make sure whenever your mom say she miss me you can remind her of me since you look just like me. I love you and your mom more than anythin'. I promise, when you're able to walk, me and yo ma gon get married."

I kissed his forehead and then walk out the room. I noticed Lindsey walkin' down the stairs, so I think she heard what I said.. I hope she know I meant it too.

"Are you ready?" She asked pickin' up the keys.

"Yeah." I strapped Kevin in his car seat and got into the passenger seat. Lindsey pulled out of the garage and proceeded to the airport.

At the airport

We pulled up and Li stopped the car. I got out to get my bags out and Li got out to get Lil Kev out.

"Imma miss you." She said gettin' a little teary eyed while handin' over Kevin to me.

"Imma miss y'all too... baybeh, come with me."

"No, I don't wanna be your shadow hun"

"Lindsey, you won't be"

"Anthony, no. Just know imma miss yo annoying ass."

I laughed and kissed her like it was the last time I was gonna kiss her. She smiled and then I kissed Kevin on the forehead. After I did that he smiled at me. Lin was shocked. Her facial expression was priceless.

"I love y'all.." I said as my manager ran out sayin' that it was almost time for me to catch my flight.

I handed Kevin over to Lin and kissed her one last time. She shedded a tear, but I quickly wiped it away. At this point a bunch of people aww'ed and then paparazzi started takin' pictures. I smiled at my lil family and got my bags and went into the airport..

This is gon be a LONG tour.

Forever and Always (TMOA Sequel)( August Alsina Story)Where stories live. Discover now