Scene 1

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(Ashlynn enters)

Ashlynn: Umm...Hello? Is anyone there? Well, I'm Ashlynn North. I don't even know why I'm talking to you since it seems that you hate me. Am I not correct 'fate'? Well, I'm talking to you already so let me just show you the life that's going on.

(stage lights go on revealing school setting)

Ashlynn: This is Naig Hurl High School, or as I like to call it "the barren wasteland of existence". Hey, I'm not a pessimist, more of a realist if I do say so myself, and I am definitely not exaggerating. You can barely go a month let alone a year without someone asking you something like, "When is the fourth of July?" or, "What is Obamas last name?". The isn't a shortage of contour or crop tops though. I guess at one point in this school one just became more of a necessity than the other, and let me just tell you it is not the brain cells. After a few years of this, you kinda lose hope in society.

(Zinnia and Gena enter)

Ashlynn: For example, Zinna Leon and Gena Woo. These girls are the definition of dimwitted, but her highlight is never dim. She pretty much runs this school. Head of the councils, plans all of the school dances, but she is not on any sports teams. I guess she doesn't want to break one of her acrylics. It's like one basic girl walked into a photocopier and a thousand more came out. That's how my school was created, and I could say the exact same thing for the guys. Gena follows Zinnia around like a dog, and Zinnia does the same to York.   

(York and Theo enter)

Ashlynn: Honestly, I don't blame Zinnia for that second part. If you could not pick it up yet that is York White. The quarterback of the football team, straight-A student, and President of the school's council. If you count being devilishly charming as an accomplishment too then you can add that to the list. 

Zinnia: *shoves Ashlynn, spilling her books onto the floor* Hey, move along loser. He doesn't even know you exist. 

Gena: Yeah it's like you're invisible or something. *chuckles*

(Gena and Zinnia exit)

Ashlynn: *picks up books* As you can see little Ms. Prissy Pants over there has a little something for York. By 'little something' I mean she won't let anyone get close to him. She has shoved, hurt, and stolen from other girls just to 'state her territory'. I hear the last girl, Amanda Lee still hasn't recovered from the 'incident'. Zinnia has never gotten caught for any of this because she is the daughter of Mr.Leon, the principle. She's a total daddy's girl. That's why she is so untouchable inside of the school. 

(Theo exits leaving York alone) 

Ashlynn: I have known York for nearly my whole life. We went to primary school together. Zinnia joined along in primary school, and since then my life has been a living hell. 

(Blair, Bowie, and Rita enter) 

Blair: Hey, Ash, Y'all okay? I saw that disease Zinnia and her little side virus Gena.

(Everything freezes but Ashlynn)

Ashlynn: This right here is Blair, she moved here from Texas about a year ago. One of my best friends and her accent is to die for. Even though so may say things it would take a Harvard student to dissect. Those two are Bowie and Rita, they have been together as long as I can remember. They have also split up and got back together more times than I can remember. I've known Bowie for my whole life, his parents are family friends. Rita came here from a little village in Columbia in the first grade. Both of them are pretty cool I must say.

(Scene unfreezes)

Ashlynn: Yeah, I'd have to say I'm becoming immune to it by now.

Blair: *laughs* That girl is blinder than my cousin Rupert. Poor man got his eyes pecked out by a bunch of Grackles. It was not a pretty site to see, lucky for him he couldn't. *chuckles*. Well, at least he learned not to feed the chickens after dark.

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