"You actually love each other?" Abigail presses.


They share an inside look yet again. Emily sits quietly in her chair, I hadn't heard a word from her yet. The look they shared was slightly judgemental.

Was it an assumption that every single extremely rich couple had marriage problems? Was that the only reason they invited me? Oh, Diego will get a kick out of this.

I will admit that Diego and I didn't necessarily love each other and these feelings that I had were probably one-sided knowing him. But he did say that his parents were completely and wholeheartedly in love with each other.

"Well Diego does look like a sweetheart," Emily finally speaks.

"The only good thing about our husbands is their money," They break into giggles again and Emily slumps back.

It seems like she had a fairly good relationship since she doesn't participate in the husband bashing.

So the Frazier Foundation was actually a group of gold diggers. Interesting.

"We do actually give money to the less fortunate right?" I blurt out. Julia looks almost offended if facial expressions were even possible under all that makeup.

"Of course, we are horrible wives, not horrible people," She says with a narrowed gaze.

I felt small under her glare and turn to my plate. I take a brownie coated in white sugar and take a generous bite. I keep in a sound of satisfaction as the taste settles into my mouth. This was amazing. So, so amazing! The chocolate practically melts in my mouth.

I pop the other half into my mouth completely forgetting that I was not alone in the room and that my mouth was probably covered with dark chocolate. My phone buzzes and all the women turn to me.

While I am still chewing with my mouth full.

I choke back a cry as I discard all the contents from my mouth into a napkin.


I turn my phone around and answer.

"Hello?" I say before licking my teeth trying to savour the brownie.

The girl that let me in takes the tissue and I send her an apologetic look. I really didn't want anybody to touch something that held a partly chewed brownie from me. Julia looked unfazed.

"Hey love, just checking up on you," He says and I roll my eyes,

"You understand that I am in the middle of something," I say under my breath.

"I kinda expected you to walk out the room," Diego says.

"That would be kinda rude," I say in my hushed voice.

"Ruder than what you are doing now?" I can feel his smirk.

I glare at my empty plate and end the call with Diego's laughing as the last thing I hear. I turn back to the Frazier Foundation and see them staring at me. Emily looked at me sympathetically.

I was about to be kicked out, wasn't I?

Well, it was fun (not really) while it lasted.

"Do you always answer his calls?" Donna asks me.

"Yes, because just in case it is an emergency. If something happened and he called and I didn't answer I would never forgive myself," I say easily.

Deep down it was true.

I guess it was something that I got from my parents. Even if they were in meetings they would answer my calls as a parental duty. They told me that I was more important than any business representatives in that room with them, that they could live with the deal but would never be able to live without me.

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