"I love you." Ludwig whispered.

Feliciano blushed and smiled at him. "I love you too."

He turned in his boyfriend's arms and laced his fingers together around Ludwig's neck. Standing on his tiptoes as the water washed over his feet again, he closed the gap between them and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips.

The German wrapped his arms around Feliciano's waist tighter as he kissed back, tongue slowly running along his bottom lip. They didn't care who was looking or who thought it was gross that two men were practically making out on the beach. At that moment, they were the only two people in the world.

They pulled back but not too far, panting lightly. Feliciano bit his bottom lip before he pulled Ludwig down to kiss him again. The Italian gasped as he tripped over a rock in the water and they both stumbled further into the water before losing balance and falling into the cool lake.

Feliciano winced slightly from the fall and then realized that Ludwig was hovering right above him, knees on either side of his thighs, hands framing his head.

He propped himself up on one elbow and could feel the cool water lapping over his legs, soaking his pants. The back of his shirt was already all wet and Ludwig's pants were soaked up to the knee.

He smirked mischievously before splashing water onto his boyfriend's chest.

"Ah!" He gasped. "Oh, you're so gonna get it!"

Feliciano chuckled and scrambled out from underneath the German. He quickly stood up and ran deeper into the water. 

Ludwig smiled at him and chased him around, splashing water at each other.

Although the water was cool, they quickly got used to it and adjusted to the temperature. Ludwig caught Feliciano off guard and lunged at him, pulling him into his arms. This time they fell into the water, their heads went under and now all of their clothes were soaked.

They came up laughing, arms around each other tightly.

"You got me all wet." Ludwig complained playfully.

"Did I now?" Feliciano winked at his boyfriend.

"Mein Gott*." He mumbled before cupping his neck and kissing him hard.

They were both kneeling in the water, lips moulding together perfectly. Ludwig forced his tongue into the Italian's mouth and hummed appreciatively at the access he was given.

"Ngh..." Feliciano moaned softly.

He snuck his hands underneath Ludwig's shirt, sliding them up the German's wet back.

They broke apart, this time panting hard. Feliciano could see Ludwig's perfectly sculpted muscles through the shirt he wore, clinging to his skin. Ludwig shook the water from his wet hair, the blonde locks falling onto his forehead.

"We're going to get sick if we stay in this cool water for too long." He said quietly.

Feliciano nodded in agreement before he was helped to his feet. They walked back to where their shoes were left on the beach and put them on, despite their sandy feet.

"We're going to get your seats all wet." The Italian shook his head, trying to get the water out of his hair.

"It's fine. We need to get home and shower. I have sand everywhere." He grimaced. "But I did enjoy that little game of tag."

Feliciano smirked and took Ludwig's hand as they walked to the car which wasn't too far away. As they approached the car, Feliciano shivered. These wet clothes were making him cold.

"What time is it?" He asked.

Ludwig looked at his watch. "Five to six."

They got into the car and Ludwig drove away quickly, he wanted to get this irritating sand off of his skin.

Within 15 minutes, they were at the apartment building and stepping out of the elevator on their floor.

"Do you want me to come over after?" The German asked quietly.

Feliciano nodded and kissed him on the forehead before going to his own apartment and jogging to the bathroom. He peeled off his wet clothes and turned on the shower, stepping under the hot stream.


Ludwig walked back into Feliciano's apartment in just his pajama pants. He planned to stay the night anyway. He heard his boyfriend emerge from the bathroom that was connected to the bedroom and he walked into the room.

A dim light stood on the night table, illuminating the room comfortably. Feliciano was also just clad in his own pajama pants and sat on the edge of the bed, smiling sweetly at Ludwig.

The German sat next to his boyfriend and laced their fingers together, squeezing his hand gently.

Feliciano reached over and brushed his fingers over the fresh ink on his lover's chest. Ludwig did the same, slowly tracing the letters carefully so it didn't hurt.

On the left side of Ludwig's chest, over his heart, cursive letters spelt: Ti amo

On the left side of Feliciano's chest, over his heart, cursive letters spelt: Ich liebe dich

"My love over your heart, and yours over mine." Ludwig whispered.

The Italian wrapped his arms around Ludwig's neck, kissing him passionately as he moved closer, their bodies impossibly close.

"Make love to me." Feliciano whispered.

Before he knew it, Ludwig had Feliciano underneath him, both of them completely bare, pushing dignity aside. They exchanged lust-filled gazes and Ludwig laced his fingers with Feliciano's once more, keeping their joined hands pinned beside the Italian's head. Ludwig whispered words only meant for Feliciano's ears as he slowly eased into him, pain flashing brightly in his amber eyes.

It's okay.

Were the words that rang through his ears because Ludwig was gentle and caring through the whole thing. Despite his intimidating appearance, he was a kind-hearted man. Soon Feliciano was gasping for breath, and Ludwig was at his tipping-point. One of the German's hands worked in accordance to his thrusts at Feliciano's own excitement and the other still rest, fingers intertwined, beside the Italian's head.

Ragged breaths filled the room as Ludwig collapsed onto his lover, who had just come out of his climax, their sweaty bodies pressed together. He relished the feel of their intimately joined hips for a moment longer before pulling out and laying beside Feliciano who snuggled up to his chest and pulled the blanket over them.

"Ti amo*." The Italian whispered.

"Ich liebe dich*."


Mein Gott - My God (German)
Ti amo - I love you (Italian)
Ich liebe dich - I love you (German)


To be continued...

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