Jason took a moment to process all of that. Then at least another minute to mull it over, maybe more. Finally, he sighed. "Yeah, guess you're right. It is the best we got. And I hope it'll work..."

James gave him yet another thumbs up. "You worry too much well for good reason I suppose considering the rather ah hectic events over the last two days but don't worry try to relaxe breathe you defeated that group that assaulted Madeline's house nearly singlehandely and with me at your side we can do this!"

Jason smirked. He nodded.

"Alright. If you say so. We can do this." He took a breath. "I know we can. We've done the impossible multiple times...why not keep doing it?"

They drove down the road for a long time, until eventually reach a bend. James slowed the APC and twisted it, nearly throwing Jason face first into the floor. Jason managed to grab the wall, stopping himself, and shot James a glare. James, however, didn't notice and drove onward.

"We're close very close now prepare yourself at the end of this road we just make a right then bang we're there right there yes sorry over explaining again afraid you'll miss out on details need to get them all out but some are obvious aren't they is that rude I bet it is well don't tell me I'll figure it out later its unimportant right now but uh just prepare yourself get ready that sort of thing okay great good!"

Jason nodded. I guess that makes sense...maybe. He continued to lie against the wall, when suddenly, he heard an awful noise.

A police siren. And it was close.

"Shit!" Jason cursed. He looked through the shutter and sure enough, spotted a flashing siren some leagues behind them. He whirled to James. "What do we do?!"

The siren continued to wail, closing in. James glanced at the shutter and rubbed his chin. "Er hm not sure perhaps well we can't ram them off the road nope nope nope can't do that drive faster perhaps no then they might call in backup..."

Jason nervously looked again. The police car was closing in on them, now side by side with the back of the APC. He snarled, "Think faster! We need to do-"

But then, the police car drove by them. It didn't even slow as it passed by the APC and disappeared around a road bend, the wailing siren fading away into the night.

Jason opened his mouth, confused. He exhaled, letting out the breath he didn't know he had been holding. He peeked out the shutter and said, surprised, "What the hell? Did he just pass us?" He gestured out the shutter. "A cop sees a freakin' APC driving down the road and he just passes us!" He snorted. "Maybe we got lucky and that guy's blind!"

"Perhaps but I'd wager there's another more likely theory not to discredit your blind theory but ah it seems well it is extremely improbable downright impossible so I have a better one the correct one I think at least my hypothesis points toward it being correct yes," James sputtered quickly. "See we are in a military vehicle there was a military presence nearby working with the local police in investigating our base right right so that cop probably took a passing glance at us and thought we are simply one of the military folk present in the area or were anyway that's my theory and I think its correct."

"Probably is, knowing you," James grunted. He glanced at the shutter again. "Well he's gone, so whatever. Hopefully no more will show up. Don't want us getting stopped or the police getting caught in the crossfire..."

James nodded silently. He then kept driving for a while, the APC trundling along. They drove on in silence, not running into any more obstacles, until they came to a right turn. James stopped the vehicle, a layer of dust kicking up around them. Jason clambered forward and looked through the front shutter. The APC's headlights illuminated a sign before the road. "Quanapoag Road".

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