Chapter 6

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2nd person POV:

He was holding you very close now and the kiss continued for a while.

You wanted to go further. You wanted to go all the way. He's so interesting and smart and he kinda saved me. In more than one way.

He saved me from my lonely life.
I haven't felt so complete and excited for life in a while.

However, you didn't want him to think less of you if you let him do to you what he pleases.

Not like you didn't want it. But waiting wouldn't hurt.

He pulled away for a moment, took a breath and rested his forehead on yours. One of his arms was still wrapped around your torso and the other was holding your leg up around him.
He smiled.

"Maybe we should slow down." You suggested and he nodded with a smile, kissing you deeply again before his grip loosened.
You missed the feeling of him holding you as soon as he began to let go.

You hopped off the table.

"I should probably head back home just to let my aunt know I'm ok." You said, realizing you've been out all day. "You think I'll be ok?" You asked referring to your wound, as Rick leaned on the table.

"You should be fiIIIne, you know probably." He said with a chuckle but you could tell he was a bit serious. "When-uh- when do you think you'll be back?" He asked in his husky voice.

"Umm I don't know, tomorrow?" You said, unsure of his schedule or what he might want to be doing instead of spending time with you. He is a scientist, not all of his time should revolve around the both of us having fun. Plus he said he already had a helper.

"That sounds perfect, doll. Here, I'll give you myYYYY phone number." He said as he grabbed your phone and put himself in as your contact. "But I-I'll keep my garage door open for you if you just want to stop by."
He said with a smile.

"Ok and umm by the way, I'm only visiting my aunt. I don't live here." You said, looking up at him with concern.

"Don't worry babe, poOOOrtal gun remember?" He said with a laugh.

"Oh yea! Alright, I'll see you soon and text you!" You said, heading for the door.

"Where are you from?" He called out.

"Chicago." You called out as you shut the door behind you and speed walked back to your aunt's house.


After showering, you sat on your bed and decided to nap.
You had told your aunt that you had come across a party going on in the neighborhood and met someone there.
You were leaving tomorrow tho.

Shit I forgot to tell Rick.

Back to Chicago. You missed it.
And all you had to do was text Rick for him to take you away from everything.
You laid down and quickly drifted off to sleep.


Your eyes fluttered open and you saw the sunlight streaming in through your curtains.
It's morning? Shit.
You had slept the rest of the day and night.
You checked your phone.

3 a.m. Rick: Hey toots, it's tomorrow! You wanna go on an adventure? Got some errands to run.

3:10 a.m. Rick: C'mon get your ass outa bed, let's go!

Ugh I should've set an alarm.

You: I'm sorry Rick, I just woke up! I actually have to get everything packed up because I'm leaving today but I'll definitely stop by!

He texted you back instantly.

Rick: It's ok I'll meet you at the airport.

That's perfect! You think, knowing you'll have some extra time to do your makeup and maybe smoke a bit before your uncle drives you to the airport.

You packed everything pretty quickly and put your suitcase by the front door.
Makeup next!

(Small time skip to the airport)

You hugged your uncle goodbye and waved as you watched him drive away.
You decided to text Rick now.

You: Hey Rick I just got here, still in the front.

You were about to get your bag checked when a portal opened up in a corner by a bench. Rick stepped through.

You smiled. "Rick! Over here!" You shouted.

His attention was immediately directed at you and you saw his face light up, walking toward you.

"Here, gimme that." He said, taking your backpack and luggage, leaving you with only your purse.

"Where are we going?" You asked.

"I'm taking you home, where do you think." He said in a monotone voice as he opened another portal and stepped through.
You quickly followed.

You were both back at his garage now and Rick was stuffing your luggage in his space ship.

"Fuck, what do you have in here?" He said.

You laughed, "Just the essentials, for a three week stay."
"You're taking me in your spaceship?" You asked excitedly.

Fuck planes man.

"WhaAAAt does it look like." He said as he shut the backseat door. "C'mon, get in."  He said and you quickly did as he pleased.

Rick's POV:

She is NOT taking a fucking plane. Too damn boring.
Plus I'll have her back home in like 10 minutes.

"Wanna go get some more of that coffee?" I asked. We had time to kill.

"Yes please!" She replied, jumping a bit in her seat. "Wait is there a place that has stronger coffee? Because you said it's the best coffee but is it the strongest?" She asked.

"I don't think you're ready for that, babe." I said seriously.

"Have you tried it?" She asked smiling and cocking a brow.

"Yea and it's very strong." I said, she just wants that high. I think I can help her with that. "Listen, I-I have another ideaAAA." I said as I started my ship and began to make my way towards the planet which had what I was looking for.

"Ok, where are we going?" She asked with a laugh.

"It's a surprise." I said with a chuckle.

Ugh ok so this chapter is about an airport because, well, I have my ass planted in a chair at gate B12 waiting for my plane WHICH IS 40 MINS DELAYED. kms. Anyway I started thinking it'd be cool if Rick was able to come get you and say FUCK AIRPORTS MAN. Because that's exactly how I feel right now haha but at least I get some extra time to write for you guys!
Going to start the next chapter right now! Don't forget to vote and comment! I love hearing your thoughts!

Hold Me Together // Rick x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang