Chapter 2

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Rick's POV:

"Y-you did it Morty, you got the alien venom!" I commented as I looked down at the clear container, holding the blue liquid.

"Y-yea haha s-sure did. H-hey, you think maybe next time, I-I don't know, you could find someone else to be bait?" Ugh, why does he have to ruin the moment.

"Like who Morty? Me? You want ME to be the bait next time, while you trap the thing, carefully remove its skin and extraAAAct the venom from its bone marrow by operating a highly sophisticated machine?!"

"No R-Rick! I'm just saying can't you find like another alien or something? So, I-I don't know maybe I can watch you operate the machine and actually learn something?"

"O-ok Morty, alright, I'll let you observe next time, but you were the only one who could be the bait this time, those aliens aren't interested in other aliens, they're interested in us Morty, in humans."

"A-alright, but next time I get to watch." Oh this was laughable, Morty was really putting his foot down on this one.

"That's what I just said, now if you don't want to help me build this thing then leave me alone so I can work Morty."

"Whatever Rick, I'm tired anyway, I-I'll see you tomorrow morning." The garage door closed behind him. I sighed, I'm an asshole, I know, but I got the venom! I began working at my table, the initial project was already finished, just have to pour a bit of the venom in the chamber aaaaaaanndd....


I hit the floor just in time. Close one.


What the fuck was that? I got up to look around. Shit, I should've closed the garage, looks like someone else hit the floor too.

Well better go get the poor loser who decided to be out this time of night.

I walk over to the spot.

Hu, it's a girl. Nobody else seems to be out, which is good cause that means no one else saw. Don't want the drama of the neighborhood asking me what that explosion was about.

I carried her inside and took a look at her head, which seemed to be the source of the bleeding.

"Shit." The venom had gotten in her wound. I moved her (y/h/c) hair out of the way and quickly injected her with something that I hoped would work as an anti-venom. I had it ready to go incase Morty messed up and got himself infected.
After I was done stitching her up, I went back to work on what was left of my project. It was all destroyed, but at least I still had the venom that I didn't use.
I thought about the girl, she's a cute little thing, but what's a girl like that doing out so late at night? She smelled like weed and alcohol. Alcohol. I took a swig from my flask.

I heard her shift a bit and looked up. "Ugh, what the fuck?" She groaned as she looked around.

"YeaAAA, usually when you hear a big explosion, you should duck or something." I said. I know, I'm an asshole, but who cares, I don't even know the girl. She's just a distraction.

She turns to look at me. I can see her (h/c) hair slightly hanging off the table from my peripheral vision, but continue working on my device.

"Umm wasn't expecting an explosion to happen in the middle of the night in a safe neighborhood. What happened? Where am I?" Demanding little thing, isn't she. I tried to hold a chuckle in.

"Ha! Safe?! You got hit by one of the shards, whaAAAAAt did you think happened? And by the way you should be thanking me, I'm the one who stitched your head up." I said as I took a swig from my flask.

"I guess anything could happen, but since I got hit by an explosion that came from YOUR garage, the least you could do is get me a drink to numb the pain, instead of keeping it all to yourself."

I look down at my flask, is she serious? She's already high and at least tipsy. But she does have a point.
She snatched it from my extended hand and took a long swig, she arched her back as she let the liquor in. I noticed myself staring at her small figure taking a sip from my flask.

"Take it easy with that, kid, its strong." I say, trying not to show any actual concern.

"Good." She murmurs with a gentle smile as she hands me my flask back.
My name's (Y/N), by the way." Her smile widens as she offers me her hand.

"Rick. Rick Sanchez." I say without glancing up.

"How come you didn't get hit by a shard?" She says, ignoring my rude behavior, quite well I might say.

"Cause I know how to duck." I say in a mocking tone. I have to stop being so rude to this poor girl.

"Ok well it was nice to meet you and thanks for fixing me up, I'm gonna head home. Hope no more thingies explode and kill you." She says with a laugh as she starts getting off the table and pulling out a cigarette. Shit I'd wanna hurry up and leave too if some asshole not only knocked me out but was also a dick about it.

"Yea, there's always that possibility, and you caAAAAAn't leave." I say, standing up and taking a few steps closer.
She laughs a little nervously, backing up towards the door. Ugh she thinks I'm a creep or something.

"Umm, yea I can and I really should get back, I've been gone for a while, my aunt will notice."
She says as she watches me dig through my tools and pull out a small flashlight. I want to examine her before she goes anywhere. Don't want a sudden death that can't be explained by modern science.

"Listen, unless you want to spontaneously combust or infect your family with all kinds of terrible diseases, you'll stay here." I say in a monotone voice as I begin to examine her head wound. Her eyes widen and begin to dart from the flashlight to the top of her head and to me. Hahahaha she thinks I'm fucking crazy. Poor little darlin'.

She squirmed a bit in her position and furrows her brow. "What are you talking about? What did you do?!" She began to panic. She backed away even further but was trapped by the garage wall. I couldn't help but smirk at how uncomfortable she looked. Like a little trapped bunny.

"Calm down. It'll be fine. The shard you got hit with had poisonous alien venom on it. Its fine to the touch but not to an open wound. I was using it as a type of fuel for thiIIIIIIs thing I'm building." I said as I examined her (e/c) eyes. I didn't really need to do that but she was already trapped soooo... why not check out that pretty face.
"I honestly didn't think anyone could survive it, but then again I've never seen it in action." I say calmly.
"Don't worry tho, you'll be fine, I injected you with something that should subside any negative side effects, but it'll take a few dayYYYYYs before you're completely fine." I say, walking back to my table.
I can sense her getting even more nervous.

"Ok, a-alright, ummm so w-where's your bathroom, I really have to pee." She manages to stutter out. I can tell she's going to try to "escape" but I couldn't care less if she leaves. Once she walks out I might actually be able to concentrate on my project.

"You don't have to try to escape, the door's right over there, I seriously wouldn't recommend leaving though." I say the last part firmly.

She just stands there. Uncertainty is definitely clouding her mind. I can put that to rest real quick.

"O-ok, leEEEt's go." I say as I grab my portal gun.

"What? Where are we going?" She asks.

"I'm gonna show you that I'm not lying." I say as I open a portal up.
I look over and she's just standing there with her mouth open. I try my hardest to hold back laughter.

"What the hell is that?" She asks in shock.

"It's called scieEEEEEnce, doll." I say as I walk through. Once I'm on the other side I can't help but laugh a bit at this wide eyed little girl.
After I'm done with my little chuckle, I notice that she's taking quite a while to walk through. She probably thinks she's losing her mind. That makes me crack up even more. This is actually fun.

I pop back through with an extended hand.

"It's a portal, now let's go." I say with a bit of fake irritation.

She places her small hand in mine and I help her through to the other side.

Hold Me Together // Rick x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now