Chapter 10

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🐺Travis P. O. V🐺

I woke up in sweat. I shot up in bed breathing heavily looking around and tried too get up but found I couldn't.

I looked all around me and everything was black and white. I started panicking but remembered something. I'm a werewolf.

'Yes, yes you are' Said that voice in my head.

'Who are you, and what's your name?' I asked him in my head.

'My name is Isaac and I'm your wolf,  the voice in your head that speaks to you whenever you need help or just to be there for you, your color is also black with red at the end of your tail and a red line down your back' He said

'Nice, but, how do I change back in my human state?'I asked him

'Focus on picturing your human form in your head and draw the energy towards your chest' He said simply.

I pictured my blue eyes and brown hair along with my body. All of a sudden I felt a strong pull at my chest and next thing you know I was lying in human form, naked on the bed.

I realized it was my room I was in. I sat there for a moment to think about today.

I honestly can't believe I'm a werewolf. I never would have thought it would come to this one day. This is pretty awesome. I feel more powerful, much more free. Stronger almost. I can even see a tiny black spot on the wall. Something that I haven't noticed before.

I got up and proceeded to shower and get dressed.


😇Jordan P. O V😇

I'm so worried about Travis. After he shifted, they took him to his room where he's been asleep since. I try to go check on him,  but Carter insists I don't.

I know he survived, but I just want to make sure he's OK is all. I was laying on my bed looking up at the ceiling.

After Travis shifted, everyone proceeded to help, the boys to be exact to take Travis away. The girls decided to clean up and put up the food. I was sitting down and let them do what they do as I just stated into space with Porsha and Amy comforting me.

I sighed getting up out of bed and walking downstairs for a cup of water. It was 11 pm and it was dark outside.

As I rounded the corner to the kitchen, I saw a tall person sitting at the island. I decided on not paying attention to them, and grabbed a glass and filled it with water.

As I was drinking the water, the person decided to speak.

"Hey" A deep masculine voice said. I chocked in surprised and turned around looking at him. It was Travis.  Just sitting there in all his glory. with a smile on his face.

I ran over to the kitchen light to see him clearly. I looked back from where I was standing and he was looking at me weirdly.

"You OK?" He asked as he looked at me weirdly. I was standing there staring at him for a loss of words. He looked different. His voice was deeper. His hair was now black instead of its usual dull brown. His jaw line more sharp and defined, and his eyes,  they were lightest of brown. He also had muscles and really tanned skin. What the fuck happened?..

I finally regained my state and spoke to him.

"You look different." I said walking back over too the sink.

"Yeah, I know, I also spoke too my wolf, his names Isaac,  I don't know why I look this way, guess it's a side effect of becoming a werewolf" He said smiling slightly. 

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