Chapter 14

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😇Jordan P. O. V😇
We were all seated at the table. When me and Aden woke up this morning, we were called down to the dining room to speak with Carter.

Of course we did hygiene first. Aden wore the same clothes from yesterday, which were simple black sweats and a white t-shirt.

Me, Aden, Travis, Amy, and Carter were all sitting at the dining table. Carter had the rest of the people leave the pack house, so we won't have ease droppers. Travis also has a mate. They're together and just alike. They look so cute together.

Her names Marissa. She has long brown hair with light brown highlights and Hazel eyes. She sat beside Travis, giggling as they hit each other up under the table. Too cute...

"So, Aden, what pack did you come from?" Asked Carter seriously while staring at Aden. Aden squirmed in his seat a little nervous. I could smell it....

"Will you stop looking at him like that, you're making my mate scared" I snapped as I hugged Aden. Carter shook his head and muttered an apology. I mentally rolled my eyes.

"OK, please answer the question" Said Carter looking calmer. Better....

"Um, my pack was attacked, by vampires and werewolves. Me and some other people were all slaves in my old pack, and we got punished, if we failed to do something or if we messed something up" He said nervously looking down. I touched his hand that was sitting on the table. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Hmm, I see, and what type of punishments were there?" Asked Carter. Aden felt uncomfortable and looked down again. I spoke up again.

"Please ask another question" I said. I hate seeing Aden like this. Carter blew out a breath and nodded his head.

"OK, um, where are the rest of you?" Asked Carter

"Dead, some probably made it, but I'm not sure" He said shrugging his shoulders.

"OK, I'll have a search team go out and look for the rest of you tomorrow" Said Carter rubbing his face with his hands. He looked stress.

Amy rubbed his back comforting. He turned to her smiling, in which she returned one back.

"OK, so I have basically have asked all my questions, now Jordan, you'll be leaving today" Said Carter looking towards me.

"Where and why?" I asked frantically.

"Because, these vampires are serious about getting to you, I need you safe, they're getting closer and closer, and you're not safe here" He said

"I'm not leaving without my mate" I said pulling Aden closer too me. I just got him and I'll be damned if I leave him again.

"I know, you're both leaving, along with Travis and his mate, Amy and I will be staying here"

"When do we leave?" I asked him.

"Well, someone is coming by in two hours to come get you guys, so go pack your things. Aden I will arrange for clothing to be sent for you, so just help Jordan pack" He said standing up. We all stood up. Amy and Carter left the room. It was just me Aden, Travis and Marissa.

"Where you guys think we're going?" Asked Marissa looking worried. Travis hugged her for comfort.

"I don't know, but, I hope we end up together" I said. They all nodded in agreement.

"C'mon Aden" I said grabbing his hand pulling him upstairs. We reached my room. I walked to my closet and pulled out my black suitcases.

I then walked back towards my dresser. I started on my undergarments. I looked to where Aden was standing. He was blushing which meant he caught a glimpse of my purple lace panty and bra set I had in my hand. I smirked. He's so innocent.....

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