The Kidnapping

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It was sunny when I got off of school that day. That day it happened to me. Oh, it was a nightmare at first, until I realised why I was kidnapped in the first place.


I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock and reached to hit it.

I then walked straight to my bathroom, to get ready for school. When I was done in the bathroom, I went to my room with my towel on and picked out black skinny jeans along with an over sized white sweater paired with white toms. I did my hair in a high messy ponytail. I walked over to my mirror and put on my lip balm and a little pink lip gloss with black eyeliner. I only like to put on eyeliner and lip gloss. Sometimes mascara. I hate blush.

Once done I grabbed my book bag before going downstairs.

"Travis get up and get ready for school!" I yelled as I passed by his room. I heard him groan before a thud signaling he fell off of the bed, I giggled a little as I proceeded to walk downstairs and in the kitchen.

I set my book bag down on the counter, and proceeded to making eggs bacon and toast. Just as I plated the food, Travis came stumbling into the kitchen rubbing his eyes with his book bag slung over his shoulder.

He plopped down at the counter with a sigh.

"Didn't have a good nights sleep again?" I asked him softly while placing his food in front of him

"No, I never do" He said while beginning to eat. I poured him a cup of orange juice before I sat down and proceeded to eat.

"I'm sorry, things will get better, you'll see, I still think about them too and still have some nightmares." I said while glancing up at him momentarily.

He sighed but continued eating.

I bet you're wondering where our parents are aren't you. Well my mom died because if a serious heart condition, and our dad came down with cancer 5 years later after mom died. I try not to think about them but it just comes back everyday.

I live with my youngest brother Travis, he's in middle school at the age of 15. I treat him like my younger brother because I was adopted by his parents.

I was adopted by his parents at the age of 9. Travis was just 5 years old when I first met him,  but we still loved each like brother and sister. I was maybe 14 when mom died and Travis 10.  From that day on dad took care of us. Until he came down with cancer. After he died me and my brother suffered. But for some reason our family didn't wanna take us in.

So I guess you could say, we were rejected by our family. Anyways I found out that mom and dad had put up a lot of money for us up in our bank accounts. I heard this from my uncle. He told us that sane day on our fathers funeral.

Now I'm 17 but look a lot older  maybe around my early 20's, in which I'm thankful for because I work two jobs and keep the bills paid along with other things.

We finished breakfast in silence with little to no conversation. Nothing major to talk about and Travis is more on the quiet side.

Once finished I grabbed my plate and put it in the sink along with Travis's.

"Alright kiddo c'mon" I said while looking at him as I grabbed my book bag off the counter. I heard him sigh before doing the same.

I walked outside and got into my car while waiting for travis to come out.

I peeked my head out the window and told travis to hurry up.

Few seconds later he came running out the house with his bookbag in tow.

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