Suicide (15)

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I slumped into the coach with Sand and Stone between my feet. Hunter, Poppy, Jake, Caleb, Ezra and Oliver joined me. I flipped through channels until one caught my attention.

"Mia Rose King, a 19 year old, was found dead this morning."

The news reporter fixing her papers and continuted.

"Joggers found her hanging from a tree. she will be dearly missed. May her innocent soul rest in peace. Her suicide note said-"

Innocent my fucking ass. Let me explain how this happened.

Yesterday at night

"Hey boys and Poppy!"

I got a chrous of "heys"

I pushed Jake off his chair and sat down in it. Jake grunted and decided to just sit cross legged on the floor. I raised an I brow as in to say 'why don't you get a chair'. He shrugged and I shaked all those thoughts out. "So I was thinking-" "this can't be good then" Hunter interrupted. I gave him a 'shut the fuck up' glare and continued. "-I was thinking of killing myself"
"What?" they shouted in union and jumped from their seats. "Let me explain" I yelled and they all sat down.
"Ok i've been here for a month and my mum is probably looking for me"
"What about your dad?" Caleb asked
"He doesn't give a fuck!" Caleb gave me a sympathetic look .

I ignored it and carried on "So I don't wanna go back so i'm going to 'commit suicide'" I air quoted. " Oh" they mummered. " were are we gonna find a body" Ezra asked. "Leave that to me" Hunter said and walked off. Where the fuck is he gonna get a body from?

Were all standing at the public park near my house at the moment, staring at the tree.
"This will do!" I exlaimed.
"Ok" Hunter muttered
He tied a rope around the dead girls neck and hung her from the tree. He closed his eyes and said something. The girl transformed to look exactly like me. They all gave me a look of pity and I simply smiled. "How is this all so easy for you, Mia?" Poppy asked rather loud. My smile faltered and I closed my eyes, "Because this is fake right now. A year ago it was the real deal."
I opened my eyes and saw they were all staring at me in disbelief. "You tried to commit suicide?" Oliver asked. I nodded and wrapped my arms around my self. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. "Whats that?" Jake asked. "My suicide note, I wrote a year ago". I put it under the body. "Can I asked what it said?" Hunter asked politely. I walked away silently. " You'll find out tomorrow".


"Joggers found her hanging from a tree. she will be dearly missed. May her innocent soul rest in peace. Her suicide note said

'I've tried so hard to please everyone. I did everything I could to make you happy. All of you give me so much pain but I stayed strong. However, one person I relied on broke me. He shattered me. I hope this decision makes you proud. My misery only started...because mommy didn't notice and daddy wasn't there.'

I shut of the television and looked down into my lap. "You wrote that a year ago?" Hunter whispered. I nodded. Everyone got up one by one and left giving me some space. Except Hunter. A tear slipped down my cheek, Hunter caught it. I shuddered at the touch of his cold fingers. He used his index finger and thumb to pull my chin towards him. He then did what I didn't expect. He kissed me! It took me a moment to realise what was happening. The next thing I did was something I definitely didn't expect. I kissed him back.
His warm lips moved againsted mine gently. A fire lit between us. I pulled away when I needed to take a breath. He layed his forehead against mine. "I've wanted to do that for so long" Hunter whispered. I smiled, "me too". I layed my head on his still chest. My lids fell heavy and I drifted to sleep

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