Slave (3)

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I looked out of my window waiting for a sign, a last strand of hope. It had been 2 days since I had been locked in here,I should be out by dawn. I stomach growled every 2 hours and my mouth feels dryer than a desert. I slipped of my window sil and fell on my butt when someone opened the door with a loud band. Hunter walked across the room towards me. "Get the hell up" I stood up, I couldn't fight him, I was weak. "Go to my room, take a shower and change into something". I nodded not lifting up my head. I walked to the door opposite mine and opened it. I almost gasped when I looked at his bed. A blonde girl was laying his bed, I wasn't mad, I was just a bit surprised. I jumped when Hunter nudged past me towards his bed. "Oi blondie, don't you know what a one night stand is? Get out". I watched the poor girl pick up her clothes and hurry out his room.

"Mia!" He yelled. "Get in the fucking shower". I hurried toward his bathroom. His walls were tiled white and grey and his shower was massive. I stripped down and climbed into the shower. I felt warm water rolling down my back, relaxing every muscle in my body. "Mia! Hurry the hell up". I turned off the shower and wrapped a towl around my body. I opened the door and found a very inaptient Hunter. He pointed his thumb towards his closet "5 mintues". His closet was so big it could be another home. I walked to the back and found clothes he probably didn't wear. I put on his new short and new hoodie. Hunter walked into his closet staring at his watch.

"MIA! it's been more than 5 mi...YOU ARE NOT WEARING THAT!"

"Why not?"

He reached up to one of the shelves and grabbed a white shirt with black skinny jeans.

"Because it dosn't have my scent on it"

"And that's important because?"

"People have to know your fucking mine"

"Possessive much" I whispered hoping he wouldn't hear that.

"YOU BELONG TO ME!" He stormed out, slamming his bedroom door shut.

I walked out of the closet and threw the clothes he gave me on to his bed. I wasn't going to wear what he wants me to. I don't belong to him, I don't belong to anyone.

I walked down the stairs into the kitchen. I smelt the heavenly scent of pancakes. Caleb greeted me with a massive grin that I couldn't help but chuckle at. "Syrup or nutella?" Caleb held up the two. A pointed towards the nutella. I sat down on the dining table waiting for breakfast to be served. Caleb put a big stack of pancakes and a jar of nutella infront of me. I happily took two pancakes and spread and even amount of nutella on both of them. I ate them like there was no tomorrow. I looked up to see Caleb shoving an 8th pancake down his throat. I handed him a glass of water with a wink. He managed to swollow down his pancake as he held his stomach. "How does all of that not affect you body?"

"Two words: Were're vampires"

I nodded underdtanding what he atually meant.

"Do you not drink blood?"

"We do. Food keeps us fulland blood keeps our abilites on full charge"

"Really! What's your power?"

"I can control moods"

"Cool! What can Hunter do?"

"He can read minds and the rest is for you to find out"

I cocked my head to the side and gave him a frown. I was walking into the living room but I turned around.

"Oh and caleb?"


"If you ever try to change my mood, I will cutt off your balls and strangle you with them"

Caleb cringed and I gave him my famous victory smirk.

I had nothing to do, so I sat and turned on the T.V. I scrolled through chanels until I found a cartoon chanel. A guy around my age stood infront of me with a smile on his face.

"Hi! My name is Jake".

"Oh Hi Jace, could you move. Jerry's about to set fire to Tom's tale."

He turned around to see what I was watching.

"Tom and Jerry?" He questioned sitting 4 inches away from me

"Yes i'm watching Tom and Jerry, i'm bored."

"By the way my name is Jake not Jace"


"You wanna do something else" He whipered with eyes full of lust.

A loud thud came from upstairs. Hunter came running down the stairs, "Torture him until the truth comes out". He was yelling into his phone until he saw me and Jake on the couch. "I'll take to you later" were the words he spoke into his phone before he came marching towards me. He punched Jake in the face harded than the hulk. "What the fuck Hunter!" I screamed at him

"what are you two doing?" I could see the fury in his eyes as his eyes tured completly black.

"We were watching T.V."

He looked down at my clothes. Hunter started to shake uncontrolably. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. It felt lika Déjà vu, but this time he was walking towards his room. WAIT! Whye is he walking towards his room. "Because you've been a naughty slave". I forgot he could read minds. He threw me beside his bed and handcuffed me to his bedframe. "Your sleeping on the floor in my room till you've learnt your lesson". And with that he walked out of his bedroom and I fell asleep on the floor leaning against his bed.

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