OUT! (2)

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I opened my eyes and light almost blinded me. I sat up and rubbed my eyes to focus. "Where the fuck is my phone?" It wasn't here. Last nights memories came rushing back, I was kiddnaped by vampires. The door whipped open and Hunter stood growling. He walked straight through sunlight! I didn't know what surprised me, the fact he could walk through sunlight or that he was heading straight towards me.


"I'm sorry but that not and excuse for you to talk to me like that"

"OUT!" He pointed towards the door.

I jumped out of bed and took large steps towards the door, nuding past him on the way out. What the fuck was his problem?

"Mia?" I jumped

"Chill, It's me Caleb"

"You alright Mia?"

I nodded my head trying not to lose my shit.

"Lets go, follow me" I was hesitant following him but at this point I had nothing to lose. He led me downthe spiral stair case, through the hallway and into the massive garden. I was bigger that a bloody park. I noticed a swing near the flower bed and wasted no time running to it. Caleb chuckled and sat down next to me.

" I know you have question Mia, so ask away"

"Um...Why am I here?"

"because you saw Hunter feed"

"Ok, So can you walk in sunlight?"

"Yeah we can, You know all the tales of humans killing us with holywater, holy symbols and stakes?"

I nodded, eyeing him curiously.

"Yeah none of that works"

"So I have no way out?"

"Nope" He said popping the 'p'

"Hey, what's up with Hunter, Why does he boss people about?"

"He bossed people about because he is the boss around here"


I dropped my head and stared at my feet.

"Anything else?"

"...Why does H-Hunter hate me?" I stuttered

"He doesn't like anyone, it's normal for him to be a prick"

A cough broke our conversation. Caleb shot his eyes wide open and stood up.

"A prick huh?"

I recognised that voice. Hunter was listening to our conversation.

"Sorry, buddy but it's true"

Hunter playfully punched Calebs arm, "Well that make two of us then".

Hunters eyes met mine and his eyes went black.

"Why is she outside?"

She? I had a fucking name and that was when I made a mistake of correcting him.

"She, has a fucking name!" I snapped at him.

He lunged forwards and grabbed my shoulders.

"Say that agian..."

I gave him a smirk, "She has a fucking name and it's Mia".

He squeezed my shoulders so hard that I could feel the bruises forming. I winced under him.

You forced me to look at him in his dark eyes. "Well Mia, let's see if you can go 2 days without food or water".

"Hunter this isn't right" Caleb tried to back me. "And her talking back to me is?"

Caleb stepped backwards and gave me a sympathetic look.

Hunter dragged me to a room. There was one bed, one lamp, and a mirror. He pushed me up against a wall. "After you come out of her, you will be my slave". "NO!" I gasped. "You'll be my fucking slave and that's the end of it" he hissed. He dropped me, walked out of the room and locked the door. I walked over to my bed with was surprisinly clean, infact everything in my room was clean. I climbed in and pulled the covers on top of me.

I decided I was going to sleep these two days away.

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