Chapter Eight

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We find Camila playing pool with a boy I assume is Harry. He offers a sheepish smile and wave when we say we are leaving and I give him a wave as well. Dinah is in the room we were originally in so we grab her as well and pile back into the car. It's fucking freezing and I'm pissed I didn't bring a jacket again. I wrap my arms around myself and try to hide my shivering from the rest of the car. Dinah gives Ally the directions and I haven't noticed how hungry I am until now. We pull into the lot and I can only hope that they have the heat on today even though they usually don't. When we get out, Normani immediately head to the trunk where she pulls out a red jacket and hands it to me. I smile at the gesture and she smiles back.

We sit in a different booth this time of course because there are five of us instead of two. It's the U-shaped booth that we usually see the big groups sit in and seeing as there's only a few other tables seated, this one will suit us best. I sit next to Normani, on the other side of of me is Camila who sits next to Dinah and then finally Ally on the other end. I already know what I'm getting due to my several journeys before so I lean towards Mani to try to convince her to get what I usually do. She tiredly agrees and rests her head on her hands behind the menu she stood up.

I'm busy staring at her when a familiar voice makes an appearance. "Hey Dinah and Lauren." She waves as she comes over. I give her a smile and a wave as well. She looks around the rest of the table I'm sure to find a familiar face but lingers on Normani who now sits up. "I see you've brought your beautiful friends this time." She says, with her eyes still on Normani.

The group smiles and I hesitantly place one on my face as well. She sets down the napkins slowly, seemingly still distracted from Normani. "My name is Leigh-Anne but you can call me whatever you'd like." She says and winks to which Normani lets out a small chuckle. Leigh-Anne smiles at her reaction while I squint my eyes at her flirtatious demeanor. "I'll be your server tonight. Can I get you girls started with some drinks?"

"Umm do you have lemonade?" Normani asks after trying to skim through the menu to find a drink.

"We do now." She replies with another wink and I grip my menu tightly. What the fuck does that mean? They've always had lemonade. Then I look at the other girls who all have similar thoughts but different reactions. We all give her our own drink orders as well and she jots them down happily. "Alright, I'll go grab those for you guys. I'll be back to grab your order as well." She ends and sways away, risking a glance back and showing me a smile when she sees me looking.

The table falls to silence again as I try to grasp what the hell Leigh-Anne is trying to do. I'm jolted out of my thinking by rapid movements to the right of Dinah where Ally is not so subtly nodding towards Leigh-Anne's last location. Normani looks truly confused as she looks between Ally and the door to the kitchen. Ally lets her annoyance show as she breathes out a bout of air and face palms. "She's flirting with you, you oblivious girl."

Normani shakes her head immediately. "No. She's just doing her job. I do that at work all the time."

She rolls her eyes. "Yeah and you are flirting. How many times do I have to tell you that?"

"How many time do I have to tell you everyone  doesn't like me?" Normani places an annoyed smile on her face.

"Can someone else tell her because she is too oblivious?" Ally asks and looks towards the rest of the table. I freeze up and I can feel Camila tense up on the side of me. I look over at her and she looks at Dinah who is already staring at me.

"Yeah she is." Dinah says so I shoot her a look and aim for her foot under the table. She jumps a little and then probably realizes her mistake. "But you know she could be doing it for the tips like I'm sure you do ya know?" She covers up and then proceeds to blatantly look between Normani and I. I see Ally staring at me out the corner of my eye so I turn my attention back to the menu.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2017 ⏰

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