Chapter Seven

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We take another few shots and Camila's unexperienced ass complains the whole time about the taste. Normani tries to make her feel better by mixing it with the Sprite and she shuts up for the most part. We leave the dorms and Normani tells Camila to sit up front, leaving herself to sit between Dinah and I. Ally plugs her phone into the aux cord and starts playing the music along with entering the address into the maps. I hear Normani singing along to the lyrics and I decide to sing along as well. I'm almost mesmerized by her being so close to me and her soft voice is doing nothing but adding on. Her eyes light up and she giggles when I fuck up the lyrics because of her distracting me so I decide to do it again. She laughs again and the sound is angelic. I'm sure I'm drunk by now and I'm hoping I don't do anything idiotic.

When I see the mansions outside of the windows, I automatically know who's throwing the party. I've heard of Justin's infamous mansion parties before but this is the first time we've gotten an actual invite. Dinah seemed to be able to snag us one but from who, I don't really know. We arrive at the house and Ally drives around a bit seemingly looking for a good parking spot. I hear Normani let out an impatient groan and I resist the urge to let out a giggle. I see Ally's little hand flicking off Normani through the mirror with a hard look on her face.

"Mom, we'd like to get to the party before it ends please." She says sarcastically and I cant stop the laugh that escapes my throat.

"Well, I'm just being safe. We'll be able to leave when we want and I don't want anyone to accidentally hit your car." She turns the wheel again.

"Ok ... wait park there. Right there." Normani says pointing to a spot near the house.

Her head follows where Normani points and she shakes her head immediately. "No Mani. You just want me to park there since it's closer to the house so you don't have to walk."

"Yeah but also because it'll be easy to get out of and chances are, the people closest to the house aren't going to be leaving first so they won't hit the car." She grins and tilts her head a bit.

Ally pauses for second before heading straight to where Normani said to. "Don't say anything Mani." She says with a straight face.

She zips her lips and throws the key behind her and I let another chuckle escape my lips. Ally parks in the spot perfectly before we start to exit the car. We all start to get up and that's when I notice my unbalanced legs. I hear a giggle behind me as Normani steadies herself and smile at her. We gather ourselves before we head into the house.

It's dark when we walk in but everyone in the vicinity still turns their heads towards Normani. She doesn't seem to notice or care for that matter. She seems concentrated and nods towards Ally who nods back as we walk towards a skinny white boy with a little facial hair. Normani quickly pulls her dress down a bit as she sets her eyes on the boy.

"Hey I'm Normani. These are my friends Ally, Dinah, Lauren, and Camila. You're the guy who's throwing the party, right?" She says in a flirtatious voice while pointing us out.

He eyes us all up and down and lets his eyes linger on Normani a little to long as he puts his drink down beside himself. He holds out his hand and smiles in a way that I'm sure is supposed to be cute but ends up looking a bit creepy instead. "Yeah, Justin. Haven't seen y'all around here before." He says while rubbing his dry hands and licking his nonexistent lips.

I give him a look of disgust but luckily he's too focused on Normani to notice. She shrugs her shoulders after a second and continues her flirting. "Well if this party is as hype as I heard it would be then you might see us around more." She says a little suggestively.

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