Chapter 27:New life

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2 years later

  "Welcome everyone I am Professor Anderson. Now today is a very important day, anyone know what today is?" He asked the class full of students. One raised her hand.

"It's navy day." She said and I smile on the inside. I whisper to Dinah.

"That was you 2 years ago." She playfully slaps me and Camila shushes us.

"Yes, it is Navy day. I am Scottish, and in Scotland today is  tell a story day. 2 years ago I had my first class and some of the students are here today. One story in particular got to me and she was here today to tell you guys her story. Lauren the floor is all yours." He says and I hear some clapping.

"Hello my name is Lauren Jauregui, I am 21 years old and I was Blind. Yup, Blind as a bat, couldn't  see a thing. A lot of people thought this was a bad thing but I didn't. I was born with healthy green eyes. At the age of 4, I started getting headaches. When I told this story 2 years ago I didn't know why I became blind.I was told it was stem cell problem.The doctors use to say that they could cure it by doing something to my stem cells but I had to be 18 . They had a theory at that time. A maybe. Once I turned 18 they still had a fucking theory but anyways that's not why I'm telling you my story. I mean it might be very important but not really. This is about a blind girl trying to find love." I take a deep breath and look at Camila.

"That was what I said 2 years ago. Now I can tell you that the theory was wrong. I did not have a problem with my stem cells, I had a stroke at 4. Did I find love? Yes I did. I am marrying the love of my life pretty soon. I graduated here last summer and I am on my way to being a pretty successful psychologist. You may already know part of my story but I just wanted to share.That is why I am here today. So that's me." I gave them a cheesy smile and head back to my seat.

"You did amazing." Camila said as she kisses my cheek.

"Thank you Jauregui or should I say Dr.Jauregui." Professor Anderson jokes.

"Our next speaker is Dinah Pain in the ass, Hensan get over here.

"My story isn't as important as Lauser over there, but I am for one not telling you the story I told 2 years ago. I am going to tell you how I became friends with the two biggest idiots and got them together." Dinah tells the class.

"One was blind in vision and the other was blind in life. Both didn't know what was going to hit them. I sat right there." Dinah said pointing to where we use to sit.

"I use to text most of the time and Lauren, still blind knew. Lauren was looking for love and I got out of a bad break up. Lauren was so desperate that she basically traded me her best friend so I can hook her up with mine. It all worked out they are engaged and Mani and I are going strong as well. Professor Anderson was a pain in the ass but believe me when I say he is a great man." Dinah finishes and Anderson hugs her.

"See I am not that bad, thank you girls for speaking today" Anderson thanks us. We quickly get up and leave. I take Camila's hand and lead her to my car. With Normani and Dinah following us behind.

"You didn't tell me your old Professor was hot." Normani speaks.

"Eww gross, you just ruined Anderson for me." I said making a face.

"Shut up Jauregui." Normani sternly says. We have a staring contest for a bit and then bust out laughing.

"You guys are so childish." Dinah said as I pull out of the parking lot.

"Yeah but you love us." Normani kisses her cheek as Dinah makes a look.

"Anyways, when are you guys going to pick a date?" Normani asked.

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