King David spoke imposing on Eleazar.

"My king! I did deliver your message with haste." Eleazar lied.

"Haste makes waste and lying makes one closer to dying." Ishbaal cut in.

"Wha--? Seriously, Ishbaal sometimes you make no sense at all." Eleazar rolled his eyes at his comrade.

Doors at the side of the throne opened to let in a woman of long braided pig tails.

She approached king David and gave him a bow. As the king acknowledged her arrival she proceeded to stand beside him.

The murmurs were put to a stop as they saw who had arrived and stood beside their king. A woman. A woman has never been allowed in the King's halls when there was a meeting. But now, a woman stood before them. Above them. Looking down at them.

The men young and old questioned her appearance.

"My king, do my eyes deceive me? I see a woman by your side!" One of the old men raised his voice.

A young man followed, "King David, It may not be wise to allow the ears of a woman in the room of wise men."

"And who are you to say you are wiser than the King himself?" Eleazar cautioned.

Ishbaal rung his bells which gave him a moment of the men's attention, "It would be wiser to be none the wiser."

David gave a small chuckle. He raised himself from the throne and stepped forward towards the old man.

"Why does it matter if the person in the room is a woman or a man? Do we not have the same faculties given to us by Ill Ilah as we were formed from ashes?" David asked.

The old man stood pondering over the wisdom of his King but gave no reply to refute him. David then turned to the young man who had questioned his wisdom.

"Young man, what difference does a woman's ears have from yours and mine?"

The young man was surprised but did not remain silent as the old man before him, "My King it is just that a woman is more prone to speak of what she has heard than us men."

David gave him a laugh. "I for one know of a man who speaks a lot, whether it be what he has heard here and had sworn to leave here or the fragments of his delusions."

David gave Eleazar a glance, to which the young blonde smiled and blushed in response.

"But what of her allegiance? A woman is a fickle thing! When do we know when she will turn against us?" The old man said finally finding his voice.

"My king. If I may be so bold as to defend my loyalty and honor?" The woman with long raven hair who stood beside the throne requested.

"I grant you permission." David replied taking a seat once more as the woman took a step forward.

"I was called in this room by the grace of my King. I have knelt and surrendered my life to his bearings and beliefs, to his failures and triumphs. I remain silent as you mock my womanhood, I did not reply when you questioned my ability to remain silent. But to question my loyalty to my King I shall not stand idle." The woman stated.

"Ha! How sincere is that loyalty you so highly speak about?!" The old man mocked further.

"High priest, please proceed with caution. Your words once released can never be taken back." Ishbaal warned.

"Do as you are warned." The woman repeated.

The old man was stunned by the authority he was slapped with. To be spoken so lowly to by a woman. His pride could not take it.

"How dare you speak to me, a man, in that manner, you lowborn woman!" The old man shouted raising his staff to declare a challenge.

Eleazar's eyes widened, "You clearly do not know who you are dealing with! Stop while you still have your head intact."

"Eleazar, a challenge..." Slowly black rukh formed and surrounded the woman, "...once declared cannot be reclaimed."

A staff darker than any other appeared in front of the woman. It was topped with a dark skeletal hand holding a dark orb which held an ominous dark aura inside.

The old man rushed towards the woman to hit her with his staff only to be stopped by a dark borg.

"To think a member of King David's mighty Gibborim still think it is wise to use physical attacks against a magician." The woman raised her staff and her borg dispersed.

"Borg Al Karahia..." she whispered.

At that moment, the dark rukh that surrounded the woman formed a borg enveloping the old man, screams of agony and despair swallowed the throne room. As the men peeked into the borg of hatred they could see the old man ripping himself apart.

By the time the rukh has dispersed, only the old man's mangled body was left.

The young man screamed as a sudden realization hit him, "It can't be...the Gibborim's strongest magician. But to think that...the magician was....a woman."

"Fufufu..." The woman smiled crookedly as she reveled in her triumph and the fear she has bestowed.

"May his rukh return to Ill Ilah." Ishbaal prayed for the old man.

"Crap, couldn't you have just forced him to submission?" Eleazar asked the woman.

"Eleazar, when you raise a challenge you win or you die. There is no middle ground." The woman replied with a satisfied and creepy smile on her face.

David who had witnessed everything but did nothing to stop his servant leaned to rest his elbows on the arm rest of his throne, "Shall we begin, Michal?"

"As you wish, my King. Fufufu~" The mistress of chaos replied towards her master.


Well, it's out. There's nothing more I can do.
As promised, I introduce to you 3 OCs:

Ishbaal, Eleazar, and Michal.


As always,

Thanks for all the

Reads, votes, and comments.

I really appreciate it.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Thanks for patiently waiting!

( ˊ▽ˋ )/~˙★°

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