Chapter 1

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A month has past since Shiro came back. Turns out Matt had teleported Shiro by his mechanical arm in order to help Matt and the other space refugees. It took awhile for team Voltron to find him but it was all worth it. 

Pidge was now reunited with her brother, and the team could form Voltron again. However, as they were searching for Shiro, Zarkon's son Lotor had gained control of the Galra empire. His main goal was to destroy voltron, but after seeing the Galran dagger Keith had, it made him determined to know more. 

"Hey Keith, you aren't actually going to join Prince Lawnmower, right?" Lance asked nonchalantly. They were eating dinner in the dining hall with the rest of team Voltron.

"For the millionth time, no." Keith responded. Back at their last battle, Keith had fought against Lotor. Kieth remembered how Lotor disarmed him of his bayard, so Keith used his Galra sword. Lotor had stopped fighting then, and asked him to join. Keith said no of course, but he saw Lotor smile at him strangely before vanishing with Haggar. 

"Yeah but, aren't you curious to find out about your sword thing?" Lance replied, smirking. 

"Lance.." Hunk started. Lance shrugged.

"What? I just wanna make sure!" Lance protested.

"Well sure I want to know, but I  don't trust him. I'd rather find out on my own. " Keith said, taking a bite of the green space goop. He was embarrassed to talk about it, but felt like they should know. 

"And we'll be happy to help with that." Shiro said. Keith looked down, feeling embarrassed, but also a little grateful that they all trusted him so much. Shiro then looked towards Lance, who was more-or-less paying attention. " Won't we, Lance?"

Lance threw his arms up," Wait- What did I do??"

"Ahem." Allura said loudly." Because of Lotor's interest in Keith.." Lance snorted. Pidge kicked his leg from under the table. "We need to be extra cautious with our next missions. Therefore, I'm suggesting that Keith shouldn't be alone during any part of the missions."

"What??" Keith exclaimed.

"It's just to be safe," Allura continued. 

"Haha! Keith has to have a babysitter!" Lance laughed.Keith glared at him

"Actually, I think that we shouldn't have anyone going off on their own. " Shiro added. "We should establish partners for each mission. And for the next mission." Shiro looked towards Lance, who was glaring back at Keith. "Lance will be partnered with Keith."

"What??" Lance and Keith exclaimed.

"Are you crazy??" Lance protested. 

"Shiro-" Keith started. That was probably the worst thing to ever happen to Keith. He didn't want to be partnered with Lance. Sure he was annoying, but Keith especially didn't want him whining in his ear during a mission. 

"No buts," Shiro stated," Consider it an great opportunity to bond."

"You really walked into that one Lance." Hunk laughed.

"C'mon Shiro!" Lance whined.

 Keith groaned.

Just then, Coran activated the castle's speakers." Hey, uh, Matt and Pidge? Could ya come ere and help me out with the healing pods? A few of em seem to be malfunctioning."

"Race you there!!" Matt exclaimed, leaving the table as quickly as possible. 

"What- No fair!" Pidge yelled, running after her brother. 

"Right, well I'll be in the training hall." Shiro said, getting up from the table and following the two. 

"Yeah, I'm gonna clean up in the kitchen." Hunk stated, bringing his plate with him as he went to the kitchen.

"I'll check the Castle's systems for the night," Allura said, getting up. " Can you two clean up the table?"

"Anything for you Allura." Lance flashed her a smile. Allura and Keith both groaned.

Keith wandered around the table, picking up the plates and silverware while Lance wiped down the table. "Uh, can you move?" Keith asked. He was trying to get the plates by the side of the table closest to the wall. Except the wall left almost no room in between and Lance was blocking his way. 

"Can't you just go around?" Lance complained. He seemed focused on a particular stain on the table, leaning forward against the table a little. Keith paused, trying to find a way past the space between the wall and Lance's..... Keith blushed as his gaze drifted toward Lances hips.

"Uh, yeah." Keith mumbled, adverting his gaze and immediately walking around the table. What is wrong with me?? Keith thought to himself.  He avoided Lance and quickly finished gathering the dishes. 

Keith walked into the kitchen with the dishes, plopping them in the sink. Behind the fridge door,   Hunk was putting away the leftovers.  To avoid having to do more chores, Keith quietly slipped out of the kitchen and into the hallway without Hunk noticing. Keith stepped down the hall, deciding to go to bed early. As he walked down the hall he could hear Matt and Lance talking by the corridor in the hallway.

"Are you for real??" Keith heard Lance exclaim. "Thank you so much!"

" Ah, you're welcome. " Matt replied." I could only make a few songs on there but-"

"Are you kidding? Any music out here is better than nothing!" Lance exclaimed. " You're the best Matt!" Keith stopped walking for a minute, wondering about their conversation. Keith had never really thought about it.. that they didn't have music out here. He had no idea that Lance even liked music.

Lance past him on his way to his room, holding his headphones and a little black box. "Hey Keith." Lance smiled as he passed. Keith had never seen Lance so excited.

Keith opened the door to his room, going straight to bed.

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