Chapter 8

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After Maggie calmed down, the two girls were on their way to meet Alex's friends. Although Maggie didn't want to be with the popular gang, being with Alex made it slightly easier. Every time she was near Alex, she got a weird feeling in her stomach, she felt herself wanting to be closer to Alex. She couldn't explain it, but Maggie simply felt at home with her.

They were almost there. Maggie sighed, trying to keep her hands from shaking. She was worried, so many things could go wrong. Alex already knew Maggie was going to be nervous, so she tried to keep her calm. She took her hand and lifted up her head.

"It's going to be okay." Alex said, giving a little squeeze.

"I'm scared. I don't think they will like me." Maggie said, while tears gathered in her eyes.

"Like I said, I'm here for you. We can call it off if you want." Alex replied, trying to make Maggie feel comfortable.

"No, I'm turning this into a big deal. I'm just going to meet your friends. I can do this." Maggie answered.

"I'll be with you all the time." Alex uttered, smiling at Maggie excitedly. "Ready?"

"Ready." Maggie said, smiling back.

And despite Maggie being worried, she could feel Alex having faith in her. Alex somehow made Maggie's world shine brighter and not so dark, and she couldn't find the words for it. Maybe it was because Alex was so optimistic, maybe because Alex was the first person to look at the real Maggie.

They walked to the schoolyard slowly, dragging their shoes along the dirt and gravel. Alex could see their friends waiting on them.

"Hey, Alex. How are you doing?" the tall guy asked.

"I'm doing fine and where's Winn?" Alex replied, smiling.

"I think he's here somewhere, probably making out with Lyra." James joked, nudging Alex with his elbow. "And who is this?"

"Well, this is Maggie Sawyer. She's a friend of mine." Alex said, rambling on. "Be nice to her, understand?"

"Yes." James simply answered.

Alex turned to Maggie.

"Maggie, this is James Olsen and James, this is Maggie Sawyer." Alex uttered.

"Nice to meet you." James said, reaching out his hand.

"Nice to meet you too." Maggie replied, giving him a handshake.

"And my other friends are Winslow Schott, but we call him Winn, and his girlfriend Lyra Strayd." Alex told Maggie. "And we've also got John Jones but unfortunately he couldn't be here to meet you."

"Great. Already someone who hates me." Maggie thought by herself.

It was quiet for a few minutes.

"And where's Daya?" James asked, trying to avoid the silence.

"I don't know. I told her to meet me here because I had to do something first." Alex answered with a shrug. "She'll be here in a few minutes, I guess."

Alex turned to Maggie.

"Are you okay?" Alex whispered to Maggie, who was looking at the ground.

"Yes, I'm just going to get something from the vending machine because I'm a bit hungry." Maggie replied, feeling uncomfortable near Alex's friends.

Alex nodded, remaining silent for a few moments as she stared at Maggie. Once Maggie was out of Alex's sight, she started talking with her friends.

The whole way down to the vending machine, Maggie thought why Alex was so... perfect? Why did she make Maggie feel safe and sound? Maggie Sawyer, the school's loser, was falling in love with Alex Danvers, the school's popular girl.

Then, Maggie stopped. She wasn't alone, she heard something around the corner. Some heavy breathing. She cautiously turned around the corner and saw something she wished she hadn't seen.

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