3. Where there are wolves...

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Hey there!

In my mind, Fay Holloway looks like Jennifer Connelly, except with piercing blue eyes. 

This chapter is dedicated to Aleena6.  She added the first book of this series to her All-time Favourites list! Thank you so much! I'm awestruck!




Fay had just closed a deal. One of those Wallstreet guys had finally signed his name on the paper and a midtown condo was not Fay's problem anymore. It had been hard to sell, way too expensive because the former owner had been too greedy.

"I deserve a glass of champagne," she said to herself. She didn't feel like celebrating, though. 8 days ago she had watched a black BMW drive away with Evelyn Hales. In a short time, Evelyn had become very important to her. Now Fay felt she had failed her. Evelyn was not her only cause of worry. There was Norah. Two nights ago, she tried to hang herself. Thank Heavens, Qiana found her on time.

Then, there was the inevitable truth, that they could not stay in the Nassau Street building. She needed to find a new place, that was safe and uncompromised. She wasn't sure if the city was safe anymore. She also didn't know how she could find the money. The Ravens were out of the picture. She had once trusted them with her own life, but that had been a mistake. They'd let Shawn into the city.

She had trusted them and they had failed her. Bitter thoughts filled her mind.

"Champagne is not strong enough," she let out a laugh.

There was also a small warning voice in her head, which she tried to ignore. He might come. Shawn's last words to her had promised that. What would... could she do if he really did come?

Seth Cage, her childhood friend, was Shawn's big brother. They shared genes, but they were like night day. Shawn had always been the brooding rebel, while Seth - her Seth, had been the big-hearted and responsible thinker who didn't run away from his responsibilities and duties. He was a born leader. And according to Fay, Seth was a better leader then his father had even been. She loved and admired Seth. But she also feared him; he was a male wolf. Everyday Fay wondered what would've happened if he had marked her?

There had been times Fay had seriously questioned the decision to leave everything behind. But even in her weakest hour, she remembered how important her life was here in New York City. She was not just a wolf - she was a protector. She couldn't be who she was born to be if, she was caged, no pun intended like she-wolves usually were. 

"First we are somebody's daughters, then somebody's mates and after that, we are somebody's mothers. We are always living through someone else," Fay remembered her mother's words. Before her death, she had made Fay swear to never live in the shadows. Fay had been just 13 and hadn't fully understood her mother's desperation, but now it was the very foundation of her life.

"My brave girl, you are in this world for a great reason. Never submit to living through someone else."

Yes, she loved Seth Cage, but she'd be damned if she'd throw away her freedom - and her duty.


Fay closed her office door. 

"Hey Em, I think I call it a day," Fay said. She had hired a human girl as her receptionist. The girl was very human, she knew absolutely nothing. Fay liked that. Every now and then she could forget wolves completely.

Taming a WolfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora