5. Into his arms

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The raven boy had disappeared from the window with the girl. He was not using his freakish powers on Fay, because she was once again able to stand without agony. Her heartbeat started to slow down. 



"I- I think I can handle the papers myself," Fay spoke trying to sound as normal as possible. "I just remembered there's something else I have to do as well. So- um..." she couldn't come up with any good excuses.  "I can wrap things up here."

Em's came to her office door.

"Are you sure?" she asked. She couldn't hide the excitement in her eyes. 

"Yes, Em. You can go. A date?"

Em smiled nervously.

"Yeah. First date."

"Ok, get going then. Have fun," Fay smiled. She laughed as Em turned quickly and nearly run out of the office.  Fay sighed. There was something comforting about the human girl's innocent nervousness. 

As she heard the door close, innocence and comfort were gone. She made sure all the doors were locked. The raven teenager could not get near her, or he could control her mind. That was not going to happen. It would be better to die. 

Fay messaged Q. They had a planned system. Never handle anything Raven-related alone without letting the other one know. Q replied, that she'd lock the rest of the pack down into the cellar. They should not take any chances with this boy. Fay was so preoccupied with making sure the pack was taking every possible safety precaution, that she momentarily let down her own guard and forget her surroundings. So, it came out of the blue.  Her body was not her own. It was not unpleasant like the Raven boy's powers on her had been. It was something her body, mind and soul craved for. Her whole being wanted to be consumed by the sensation. And it could only mean one thing: her mate was near. 

Trembling she moved back into her office. Locking her class door too. She had to fight herself. All she wanted to do was find him. But she couldn't. She shouldn't. She wouldn't. Through the fog of hormones, she clung to the idea of her destiny and freedom. She opened her desk drawer and took her knife out. It was made of silver, so it burned her palm like fire and made her drop it on the desk. He was close, she could feel it. The sensation in her body and mind grew stronger. With shaky fingers, she tried to call Q, but her finger couldn't hit the right button. Everything was blurry and the room seemed to sway like it was on a ship. 

Fay heard glass break. Her heartbeat became even faster. He was breaking in. 

"Seth," she whispered to herself. His name felt velvety on her tongue. 

She could hear footsteps. Even after nine years, she recognized them. Seth.  

Then she saw him. Nothing but her office glass door separating them. They stared into each others' eyes soaking in each other. She couldn't move or protest when Seth punched the glass. She couldn't move when he stepped in and pieces glass under his shoes broke into even smaller pieces. 

He walked slowly blocking the only escape route. 

"Fay," he said. It gave them both pleasure. 

Fay swallowed. Seth took a glance at her desk. It was between them now. He could easily push it away or jump over it. In a blink of an eye. But instead of doing that, he put his hands on the table and leaned down so he was in the same eye level with Fay. 

"Are you planning on using that knife?" he asked. 

Fay hesitated to answer.

"Are you?"

"I- I will use it if- if you take one more step," she said avoiding eye contact.

"You would kill me? You would kill your mate?" he asked. 

The room felt really small having his huge presence there.

"No. I would never kill you. But if you try to..." she didn't want to say it out loud. 

"If I try what?" 

"If you try to take me, I will slit my own throat."

For a short moment, Seth's eyes widened. A thought of Fay hurting herself affecting him more than her hurting him. Seth tilted his head. Memories flooded into Fay's mind. He used to do that when he was trying to figure her out. 

"You haven't changed," he chuckled. "You still have that fire in your eyes."

"I'm not coming with you," Fay said. It didn't sound very convincing. Her breathy voice made her statement sound more like a question.

"I think we have a problem then. You say you're not coming with me. And I'm telling you I'm not leaving this room without you."

Fay grabbed the knife and cried out in pain. 

"Fay... please. Don't burn yourself," Seth said. He could sense her pain and she could sense that. 

"Then leave," she whimpered. 

"I'm never leaving you. And you are never leaving me again," he said. And in a blink of an eye, he jumped over the table, and before Fay could do anything with the knife, he knocked it off her hand. Seth pulled her into his arms. Now she was burning - but not in pain. 

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