My Cure

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[Note: I wrote this before the tour started so I had no idea what it looked like lol.]

Tonight was the first night of the Joanne world tour and as one of Gaga's dancers you were as excited as everyone else.

Yesterday after the final rehearsal, Stefani came up to you and the other dancers and, strangely, took all your phones. It didn't bother you at all since you couldn't get nervous or shook up by the hate of the rumours that spread about Stefani and her team lately. 'Lady Gaga love scandal.' 'Is Lady Gaga Gay?' 'Gaga fakes for publicity.' 'Lady Gaga in love with her backup dancer?' Well the last one was true.

You laid back in bed as you returned home earlier. Stefani would come a little later to 'get stuff finished.' You cuddled up with Asia and Koji until the the door slowly got pushed open. "Oh, you're still awake? You should sleep, (Y/N)." Stefani chuckled softly before closing the door, taking her shoes off and crawling in next to me. "I wanted to wait for you and you, Miss Gaga, should sleep too." You turned on my side as you grinned at her before you heard her phone go off. Stefani quickly grabbed her phone which was laying on the nightstand and sat up. "Oh sorry dear, give me a moment okay?" You nodded and sighed as she walked out.

Stefani picked up and someone started to rapidly talk about somethinhg that she forgot to tweet. She talked gor a bit longer, opened her Twitter and began to write;

 She talked gor a bit longer, opened her Twitter and began to write;

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he hit Tweet before she quickly came back in.

The next day you drove Stefani in the early morning to the concert hall. You both  went in and started to rehearsal for the very last time, for real, now and doing sound checks. You spend most of the time backstage or underneath it with the others. They all were rather giggly and you wondered why. After a couple hours we tried out the lifts which were supposed to shoot you up onto the stage and it all went well.

You were in the dressing room trying to get your hair your hair in the high ponytail until you felt two arms wrap around your waist and a slight weight on your shoulder. You looked to your side and smiled as you saw it was Stefani.

You smiled and kissed the side of your head. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to get ready by now?" You said softly before turning around. She just smiled before gently kissing my forehead and then my lips. "I just wanted to say that I love you and that I'm already ready. Let me help you with your hair."

Stefani sat you down in a chair in front of a mirror and combed your hair back. The hall was already slowly filling up with the audience and only she and the team knew that you both were getting recorded and you were now love on the big screen for everyone to see. Some people cheered, most likely to be the people who didn't see the tweet. "Sounds like they are ready too," you chuckle. "I hope so because I am even more ready than ever." Her voice trembled as she put the elastics and pins in your hair. You turned around and put your hand on her cheek before gently pulling her down and sharing a passionate kiss. She smiled and kissed back before blushing and pulling away.

"(Y/N), it's time. Shall we?" Stefani pulled you into a hug as you stand. "Let's go." You quickly peck her cheek before taking her hand and walking out, walking out of the shot with her. You both walk to underneath and you and the dancers stand in their tubes as the music starts, A-YO. "Here we go.." you mumble before getting busted up to the stage.

The concert goes smoothly and was nearing the end until there was a change, I heard Stefani talk to the crowd but the crowd was just unbearably loud for some reason. The other dancers told you to stand in the middle tube, that you'd be the first one to get up. You did what you were told and before you knew it you stood there, all alone on the dark stage. You looked around, not even the band was on.

A spotlight came on, Stefani stood there at the edge of the stage, coming closer. When she was just inches away from me she held onto my hands and slowly walked back with me. "What is happening?" You whispered and she smiled. "Don't worry about anything." She whispered back as the crew brought out a chair to set down. She seated me and smiled before turning to the crowd. "I want to do a song for my dearest, (Y/N), and with this I want to confirm all the rumours. This is the cure," she said in the mic stuck to her cheek as she kissed my hand and let go of it. Stefani stood in front of me as the song began. Her voice sounded heavenly and she looked like a dream. You sat back as you looked deeply into her eyes. The beat of the chorus dropped and sea blue and lilac lights shattered through the hall, not in a chaotic way but in a soft and heartwarming way. The crowd sang along but not as loud as before, you felt that energy again; the people were as giggly as your co dancers and you wondered why, had this anything to do with Stefani taking your phone?

The song slowly came to an end and phones got showed, the torches were on. The outro was longer than normal and once Stefani was done with singing to you and the people she yelled. "Monsters! Paws up!" She stood you up and stood by your side. Signs were held up with letters and people held red thin pieces of paper in front of their lights to turn it pink. You read them until you realised what they said, tears sprung in your eyes until you heard some people cheer, scream and cry in the front row. You looked to your side, you saw Stefani kneeled down next to you and your breath hitched in your throat. She held onto one of your hands and smiled up at you, a tear running down her cheek. She pulled out a small box and opened it up to show a ring.

"(Y/N), I think that..that there is nothing else to say rather than; Will you be My Cure and will you marry me?" She asked softly as the crowd got quiet. You smiled as tears dripped from your eyes and you nodded. "Yes, yes of course!" You laugh softly through the tears before you cupped her face and kissed her gently. The crowd screamed and cried. You held onto her and she held you just as tightly. "I love you Stef," "I love you more (Y/N), thank you." "I love you most and no, no thank you Stef."

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