He's not your first kiss

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Alicia's POV

"Jackson" I call his name and try to push him away, breaking off the kiss.

"What are you doing?" I ask, staring at him in disbelief.

I put my hand to my lips. Just thinking of it makes me sick. This isn't how I want my first kiss to be. Not with Jackson.

"Ali..." he calls me, using the nickname that he gave me.

"What are you doing?" I ask again.

To tell that I'm not mad at all would be a lie.

"I told you I like you." He replies, not answering my question which makes me more mad.

Don't tell me that it's not a big deal and that I'm overreacting, because IT IS a big deal for me. It's my first kiss, I've saved my first kiss for 17 years, thinking that I'll give it to someone that I truly love, so it would be special. Please don't count my parents in, they're special but in this case, it's different.

"That doesn't make sense and it's not answering my question at all." I say with a stern voice.

"Ali..." he calls me again.

"Stop calling me Ali, it makes me sick." I say, not looking at him anymore. I feel so frustrated.

I took a deep breath and say, "You said you like me, but why did you kiss me without my permission?"

"I thought if I kiss you, you might feel the same way." He replies.

I look at him in shocked, did he seriously think that I have feelings for him? Did I accidentally giving him a false hope?

"Jackson, I'm sorry. I can't do this." I say, wanting to disappear right now. I don't want to deal with this. It happened, there's nothing I can do. As much as I want to turn back time, it didn't work like that. It's reality, not some fairytales.

"Ali, let me talk." He says, taking my hands, but I quickly take my hands off of him.

"Then talk." I say.

Jackson sighs, "Few days ago, I confessed to you that I like you. And when you said that you like me too, you have no idea how happy I was, but then you said if both of us don't like each other, then we wouldn't be friends."

"About that, Jackson, I'm sorry, I was dumb." I say.

"That's when I realized that I've been friend-zoned." Jackson continues with a chuckle.

"Jackson..." I have nothing to say, I feel bad for saying that. I didn't realize about his feelings if Belle didn't tell me.

This is why I hate falling in love, you always fall for someone that doesn't love you back. It's pathetic. Just like this moment, Jackson Thunders falls for me, but I don't have any feelings towards him, the funny thing is because it happens to me, I can't do anything but feel bad for him.

"I do realize that you probably don't have any feelings for me. It's okay, really. I like you. No, I think, I love you. But me being selfish, tried to tell myself that there's still a probability that you would like me back. That's why I kissed you." He says, looking at me.

I stare at his beautiful brown eyes, not as beautiful as Mark's though. Okay, what????

"Doesn't mean you can just kiss me whenever you want. You should at least give me a hint. I was so shocked when you did that." I say, feeling a little calmer than before, at least, he explained. But that doesn't mean if he gave me a hint, I would kiss him back, I mean, I just need a warning so I wouldn't be so shocked ya know.

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