Chapter Two: A House Is Not A Home

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Earlier, I was mesmerized by this guy. He seemed perfect, and I was just starting to get comfortable. But then, out of nowhere, he stood up and laughed maniacally!

That's when it hit me—he's a doctor! Just like Dr. Trina, he was wearing a white lab coat, but I had no idea what kind of doctor he was.

Dr. Trina looked at him and said, "It's been ages since I've seen you smile like that."

The guy's smile instantly vanished. "I'm going." he said coldly and walked out. I was frozen, trying to process what had just happened. Who was he, and why did he leave so abruptly?

Then I turned and saw the other nurses and head doctors staring at me with concern and suspicion.

"Someone saw everything on the CCTV," they said. The weight of their words hit me hard, and I felt a wave of panic. What did they see? What's going to happen next?

"I have something to ask you, dear." she said, tilting her head slightly as she stepped closer, her eyes searching mine for any sign of hesitation.

"What is it, Dr. Trina?" I said, nervously, trying to steady my breathing.

She approached me and smiled. It was the first time I'd seen her smile like this—genuine, not forced. Her usual stern expression softened, making her look almost maternal.

"What did you and my brother talk about?" she asked, her voice steady as she crossed her arms, her eyes narrowing slightly as if she was trying to read my thoughts.


"What?!" I was shocked. But I pulled myself together so she wouldn't think I had no idea what we were talking about. My mind raced as I tried to recall any interaction with her brother.

"Nothing much. I was just surprised to see him here. He suddenly started talking to me." I said, laughing a little so it wouldn't be awkward. My voice felt strained, but I hoped it came off as casual.

"Are you sure?" she sighed, her smile fading into a more serious expression. "But why was he laughing earlier?"

Because your brother is crazy. But of course, I won't say that to her.

"Nurse Rian, could you please give us a moment alone? This won't take long." Dr. Trina said, her voice steady but carrying an undertone of urgency. Her calm demeanor was unsettling, and Nurse Rian quickly exited the room, leaving us in an uncomfortable silence.

I looked at her, trying to make sense of the situation. She approached me, her expression serious, the smile completely gone now. "Nurse Hannah, I need to be honest with you," she began, her voice softening as she took a step closer. "After all these years, I've never seen my brother so genuinely happy." She paused, her eyes reflecting a mix of hope and desperation. "I know this might sound strange, but I have a favor to ask."

Confusion washed over me, but I couldn't refuse. Dr. Trina was our head, after all. I nodded, trying to hide my bewilderment. "What is it? I'll do whatever you need, Dr. Trina."

She took a deep breath, her eyes locking with mine. "Be my brother's girlfriend."

My heart skipped a beat. Was this a joke? I glanced around, expecting to see hidden cameras. It felt like I was in a surreal scene from a movie. My mind raced, trying to grasp the reality of the situation.

The air felt thick, and I could barely process her words. "Excuse me?" I managed to stutter, my mind reeling from the request.

"I know this is unconventional, but I've never seen him connect with anyone like this. It would mean the world to me—and to him." Her voice was sincere, pleading, and it took everything in me to keep my composure.

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