The lonely wolf

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I am a freak, a monster, ugly and unwanted. My parents left me to survive on my own. I got lost in the woods searching to find a way out but knowing that I will be stuck alone. I started looking around for something I could shoot with my bow and arrow because I ran out of all the berries I found. I started to get further and further away from my shack. Once I found a squirrel I got my arrow ready and aimed as soon as I did that I noticed it wasn't a squirrel it was some kind of monster. I shot my arrow and it hit it on the back.                                                                                                                  He turned around and snarled at me, I started to sweat a lot and noticed my hands started to shake. I tried to stay still as possible as I could but the wolf came closer and closer to me. I thought in my mind,( Damn it if I try to run away it will just attack me but if I just stay still it will still eat me.)    I heard someone talk I thought I was going crazy and thought it was the wolf,                

 “That was really rude of you to shoot me with your arrow, but I guess you’re too cute to kill."              

 Once the voice stopped talking I knew I was going insane. I said, "Did you just speak?"                

 "Well who else do you think it was?"                              

 I saw the wolf turn back into a human; once I saw him my heart started pumping. He was handsome, the most beautiful human I ever saw.

"Sorry about shooting you I just haven't eaten in days and well, I thought you were a squirrel."        

"It's ok sweetheart, sorry to make you so scared and my name is Remus."     

He asked my name and was I was from. I told him my story about my parents and I told him my name was Madelyn. Remus said,              

"Wow Madelyn is such a beautiful name as you, please follow me I have shelter and food."              

   Every time he talked I started blushing and felt my face getting red. Also there was something weird about him like he would be my soul mate forever, but I couldn't catch on to it.

Remus P.O.V

I know that she is a human and all but I can sense that she is my mate, it just we were meant to be. But I wonder what my clan will think of if I tell them she’s my mate but she’s a human. I'm not sure if she would want to be turned, I barely know anything about her.

"My dear Madelyn and I know I just met you and all but you have such a beautiful smile."

"Plus I have to warn you my friends can be a little tight ass sometimes so be careful what you say."  

“Don't worry I'll be careful, is your friends wolves also?"    

 "Yes Madelyn, or May I call you Maddy?”   

“I guess you can call me Maddy."She said in angel like voice.

The lonely wolfWhere stories live. Discover now