unhappy story | lvii - lxi

Start from the beginning

Ao expected Fujiwara Kyousuke to decline the food.

After all, his father was never the one to eat on any celebrations.

In fact, Ao had never even seen him eat a cupcake before.


Fujiwara Kyousuke held out his hand and accepted the plate.

Ame was grinning.

Leo was smiling.

Ao felt something warm take root in his chest.


This is...

In that instance, a selfish thought passed over his head.

Is this... happiness?

Ao thought too soon, however.

  ・・・ lix ・・・


The sound of a phone call suddenly echoed in the living room.

Everyone turned quiet as Ao's father answered it.

"Yes. This is Fujiwara. What is it?"

He spoke, his voice filled with authority.

"I see... Alright. I see. I'll check on it now."

He ended the call with a single press of the button.

Then, he made another.

"Hello. I need a car. Right now. We're heading back to the company. Inform my secretary, tell her I need to see the list from yesterday. Be here in less than five minutes."

Afterwards, he moved to stand up.

When he did, Ame stopped him.

"Dad... Where are you going?" she asked.

The room was suddenly so quiet.

In the background, the birthday song that played from the speakers seemed irrelevant.

Fujiwara Kyousuke answered her with two words.

"I'm leaving."

Ao froze.

He didn't look up to see his father's face.

Ame frowned.

"... Huh? But we haven't even given him any gifts yet. And our messages."

Ao's father shook his head.

"No, I have no time for that. I need to go back to the company now."


"—Just continue without me."

  ・・・ lx ・・・

"That isn't—"

Without even waiting for Ame's reply,
Fujiwara Kyousuke had turned around and started walking towards the door.

Ame stood up quickly and followed after him.

She didn't even look back as she did.

Ao opened his mouth when he realized what she was trying to do,
wanting to say something to make her stop.

No. It's okay.

It's enough already.

Just let him leave.

But the words were stuck in his throat.

He didn't know what to do.

Ao looked at Leo for help.

His childhood friend looked unsettled.

However, he gave Ao an expression that seemed to say one word.


Ao decided to stand up.

He didn't even think of what to do or say to Ame. To his father.

It didn't matter.

Hesitantly, he also headed outside.

It was a mistake, however.

  ・・・ lxi ・・・

"Are you just leaving like this?"

Ao paused at the doorway, surprised.

Ame was a few steps in front of him.

She... almost sounded angry.

Ao's father shook his head.

"Yes. I can't stay any longer."

"Why? Because you're busy? Because of work? Can't you just postpose it until tomorrow?"

His father turned to her.

The car was already waiting for him outside the gates, door opened.

"Enough. You are being too childish. I agreed to this in the first place because of you. You know I don't care about these kinds of events. I am busy. This is important."

"You don't—" Ame stopped herself.

"Dad... Is your work... more important than your son's own birthday?" she asked. "Ao just turned eighteen. Can't you at least greet him?"

Ao's father paused before getting inside the car.

Then, he looked back to face her.

As he did, he noticed Ao standing there.

Immediately, his expression darkened.
Immediately, his tone changed to spite.

Fujiwara Kyousuke uttered a single sentence,
knowing full well that Ao could hear him.

"I don't have a son."

re:Happiness | Cell Phone NovelWhere stories live. Discover now