But I would be a fool to think that it was genuine.

"Everyone should be for justice, but that doesn't mean everyone should be lawyers."

"Think about it, father daughter law firm." He smiled and I shook my head.

"I don't want to go into law." My voice cracked and his smile dropped and his face hardened.

"What the hell kind of career is education, Rose?"

"You were taught to be a lawyer. Teachers are needed and that's what I want to be." I told him.

"Wants are very manipulative Rosalee, but you are born to be a lawyer." He said before turning his laptop towards me.

My college application to Dartmouth showed up on the screen and the options to change my major was open.

"You'll make a fantastic lawyer." He said and I looked up at him.

"Please don't make me do this." My voice cracked and he rolled his eyes before turning the computer towards him.

"That's enough." He ordered and I watched him place his hands on the mouse. He moved it around for a few seconds before looking up at me.

"There, pre-law. I did it for you since you were acting like a child."

"Why do you like to watch people suffer?" I found myself asking.

"Oh, enough with the drama, Rosalee." He ordered before standing up and making his way towards me.

"You showed potential into being a great lawyer. So, now you will become a lawyer." He shook his head at me. "There's no need for the dramatics."

This is textbook 'stay away from dad'. He's on edge because I disobeyed him. He's trying to do research on his next case. He's prparing for a wedding that's due to happen in just a little over a month. And now, he's planning my future.

He's stressed and his angry outbursts are more frequent.

I should've stopped.

"Katelyn is looking for you and you won't tell her who you are to her." I told him.

"Enough." He warned.

"Your fiancé is having to plan a wedding by herself because she doesn't want your help because she's mad that you won't love your daughter."

He placed his hand on his jaw before clenching a fist at his side.

"And you watched mom suffer while she had to deal with the fact that her husband cheated on her with her best friend while she had a new born and her best friend got pregnant." I told him.

He took in step towards before grabbing onto my upper arms and shaking me.

"How do you know that?" He shouted and I winced at the pain in my arm.

"She was going to leave you!" I answered through gritted teeth as his fingernails dug into my flesh.

"How do you know that?." He demanded.

Rose Thorne  ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now