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The door slams
Frustration and anger resounds
The shouts follow her in
But her shouts will win
As she screams
And cries
Fighting shadows
In the air
In her mind
To the bed she'll run
Punch the pillow just for fun
Smother her anger
Choke the pillow for the grievances against her
A sad knock
Knock knocks on her door
Greeted with tears and sorrow
Soft words of a better tomorrow
They hug and kiss
Make up for all of it
They're smiling
A happy family
But she's never happy
And they know why
And they're never happy
And she knows why
Fake smiles reign
But that's okay for today
Push it all down
For a longer while
Till the pain
Builds up again
But just for the day
Everything is...
Till it is
One day
No clue...
But they're resilient
"Happy" smiles
"Happy" people
Just to keep up their strength
It's the least they could do
To be each other's boon

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