Q and A

21 5 15

•My name is Len, and I'm 21 years old haha

•I enjoy reading, writing, gaming, binge watching shows and anime, watching movies, and hanging out with friends. Really basic haha.
•My favorite color is blue, if I had to choose a particular hue, it'd be sapphire.

•My favorite genre of movies is mystery.
•I don't really know if I have a hero or idol. I draw inspiration from a lot of people, both fictional and real.
•The best advice that I could give someone...is to just believe in themselves. Each and every one of us offers a unique perspective, circumstance, and attribution to the world, and that's amazing. We are each amazing in our own rights, and no one should ever forget that. And it's like, because we're all so amazing, no one should subscribe to defeatism. It's a logical fallacy, I know, but sometimes, fallacies are the only things that truly make sense to me when the logic of this world can be so twisted towards despair. I'd rather continue believing in myself, and just believing in general, then let the notion of defeat rule my every action. So believe in yourselves. A little hope, can go a long way.

•Hmm, random itself represents me. I am a king, a mage, a warrior, and a lover. ^^
•The words I'd use to describe me are: random, chaotic, gifted, cursed, and neutral.
•Animals I'd use to describe me are: Fox, Penguin, Crow.
•Symbols.... are more difficult, as they can encompass so much and have so many interpretations. Nonetheless, my chosen symbol to represent me would be a Unicorn.

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