Love Is II

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What determines who we fall in love with?
Why is it sometimes so hard to believe?
Even Adam had Belle,
So why can't you have me?
You put me on your pedestal
Your stage,
But I promise you, Love,
That I feel the same.
As my faults, to you, mean nothing,
Please believe,
Your faults mean even less to me.
It's not for blindness
Or ignorance
Just with you, I have bliss.
It's not a game.
I've no plans to leave you hurt and inane;
Only hope for your happiness,
But it'd mean the world if you felt the same.
I understand
I understand!
You don't think you're so great
You don't think you're worthy
That no one is perfect.
You don't have to be.
I love you.
Faults included baby.

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