Chapter 6: The Cow's Appearance

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A/N: I'M REALLY, REALLY, REALLY SORRY for taking three months to update, I promise to return to my usual updating schedule!

Zabuza gif

Hard Times by Paramore

Chapter 6: The Cow's Appearance

Ursa's POV
After Naruto's notorious speech about himself and his determination, Kakashi bandaged the both of us. Yes, the BOTH of us. Why, because Naruto was stupid enough to stab himself in the hand just to show us that he was serious.

Other than that, it seems that everyone kept an eye on me. I would've snapped at them, but I'm also keeping an eye on myself. I mean, we're all expecting if I would fall over and die due to the poison in my system, which hasn't effected me yet. To keep myself distracted, I snatched an apple from my backpack and started eating. The sour nectarine from the green apple fills my mouth, making my taste-buds dance in joy.

Eating my apple, I fall in step besides my best friend, Walking in silence. Even though he doesn't show it on his usual impassive face, I know he cares.

At least, I think I do.

"Sensei, I have to talk to you," Tazuna suddenly states, drawing attention to himself.

Abruptly stopping in my tracks, I turn my purple gaze upon him. Hmm, so he's finally going to tell us. In my peripheral vision, I watch as Kakashi walks up to him. From my spot, I see as the two adults enter a hushed conversation, much to my dismay.

But instead of having a full conversation, they put it to a stop, probably wanting to discuss in private. I frown at the idea and discard the apple core to the side. I then look to my bandaged hand, my face contorting to confusion.

Why am I not dropping dead yet?

Why isn't the poison affecting me?


On a boat, I sit next to Naruto in the front. I would've sat next to Sasuke, but Sakura, who's always by his side, took the seat besides him. Bored out of my mind, I let my left hand drape over the boat's side and let my fingers skim through the waters. 

"What a thick mist, I can't see anything," Sakura comments.

I roll my eyes, "that's the whole point, genius. The mist gives us a cover and let's us hide from any enemies."

"Hmph! No one asked you," Sakura sneers.

"Well, I'm just pointing out the obvious, something you excel at," I state, looking over my shoulder and giving her a smug smirk.

All I receive from her is a glare.

"We should see the bridge soon," the boat man informs us. "The Wave country is at the base of the bridge."

As he rows closer and pushing past all the surrounding mist, a large structure shadows through. Inching closer, the shadow gains everyone's attention. Finally, after through all the mist, the bridge comes into our clear views.

"Whoa! It's huge," Naruto exclaims with a grin on his face.

Smirking, I give him a side glance. "That's what she said," I state.

Kakashi, who seems to have heard me, chokes on the air he's breathing before snickering.

"Hey! Be quiet! Why do you think we are hiding in this mist and not using the engine," the boat man scolds, proving my earlier point. "We'll be in deep trouble if Gatou finds us."

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