Char's P.O.V

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Collar Full - Panic! At The Disco 💙
(Sorry again for P!ATD I just love them so much and their songs rock 😍)
I keep on asking myself how did I end up liking Ethan in the first place. He is nerdy,annoying,not my type,jerk,careless,and so childish. Somehow I end up liking him. I don't know how it went from the 'stranger danger zone' to the 'nice guy' to the 'annoying boy you now like'. When I told Anna about it she was shock mostly cause she knows he's so not my type but she didn't judge.

When we play around it was fun cause I am a very grumpy person so having fun for a while doesn't hurt. But the bickering and kicking became a habit. Sometimes I got annoyed so I stop him or just stop before it goes to far.

I felt bad for him cause he's girlfriend is really possessive and bitchy. I felt like she got jealous whenever he was around another girl.I won't forget her expression when she saw us walking out of class side by side just to make her more jealous I scoot closer to him and bump my shoulder with his.i felt bad cause sometimes he looked miserable being with her like he didn't have fun spending time with her ,but what could I do . I not like those girls who get between relationships.

I try my best to not think about him or look at him but I just can't. I told Anna I turn off my crush switch off but it still flicker. For a short amount of time I did kinda forget about him and stop playing around but it didn't last long.He just had to make me smile again on purpose and we went back to our usual kicking and bickering.

Few Weeks Later
I finally stop thinking about Ethan. Their is this guy that is kinda cute and my type in two of my classes which happen to be the same ones I have with Ethan. I remember the time I was talking to the Elf Roger and he randomly said "You look pretty" , I ignore it at first but I ask again what he had said and this time I thank him. It felt nice knowing that at least a guy notices you.Since than I kind of started of thinking he was cute and forgot about Ethan.Till a week later.

A week later
I was bored Anna was busy secr early using her phone and Ethan was just there.I had my head down and I started playing with my lips . "Can't you stop doing that ",said Ethan,I shrugged and did it again I knew he was starting so I kept on doing it . "Can you stop with that ",he said a little more sternly. "Doing what this ",I ask showing him. He gave up and I kept on doing it. A little while I felt his stare again on me. I gave him a weird look and he just shook his head. I didn't miss the rose color on his cheeks,weird. What weird me the most why would he been staring on the hand I had on my lips ? I shrug it off and play with my shoes.

Close to the end of the year
The talk

I was bored since Anna didn't cane again so I got nothing to do . I was playing around making random noises with my mouth till I felt a stare on me.I heard a familiar chuckle and turn around it was Ethan.

"What??",he shook his head,"Just wondering when would you notice I was starting ", I felt a little weird out cause for some weird reason I don't like when people stare at me for so long. "So you were staring the whole time ??", he nodded. After awhile we talk till the end of class.

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