Chapter #2 You know each other?

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After all day of Charlene daydreaming throughout the blocks both Char and Anna went to seventh block ,well Anna dragging Char with her.

"Anna stop dragging me I can walk by myself!!" Anna just kept on dragging me with her don't know what is the rush."We both know you are such a lazyass and we must be the first ones to be there ,Ms.O is changing people around so move you lazyass!!" I got tired of this so it was my turn to drag her. Anna instead of protesting she just laugh (typical Anna) and I drag her to our sit.Once we were sit it Ms.O stood in front of the class I have a feeling this news weren't good. "As I said yesterday students some of you talk too much so that lead me to change some of you around..." I curse in my head and cross my fingers for no boy to sit in our table,but I guess the universe was against me. "Ethan you can sit with Anna and Char."At the mention of our names both me and Anna curse at the same time. "We are screw Anna and I don't even know this guy",I whisper to Anna but she wasn't listening to me.I rolled my eyes and groan out loud."Hey",Ethan said as he was taking his sit opposite from us.Annoyed I just waved but Anna did the opposite she said hi enthusiastically.

I was quietly doing my work until Ethan spoke. "So what's ur name ?" Me dumbfounded point to myself."Yes you I already know she is Anna so what's urs?"I sigh knowing this was a start of a conversation,yuppy."I'm Charlene but you can call me Char"."Cool name",I decided to look up to him and said thanks.Ethan notice that I was annoyed so he decided to talk to Anna instead.

I was doing my work until I ears-droop and hear that they knew each other since elementary ."You know each other !!!!! And you didn't tell me Anna!!!!"Ethan just laugh.I send him a glare and he immediately stop."In my defense you never ask Char and yeah we were actually friends in third grade and I know him since then.Ethan nodded and said,"Yeah back then when I had a much squeakier voice".I snorted to that."Believe me it's still squeaky",I respond laughing."Hey!!!I mean hey!!!"his voice went from a squeak to deep.He turn red and I laugh ,again."At least I made you laugh you were all looking like a grumpy cat."We both laugh at that one.So that's how we all three started talking and laughing ,well mostly me and Ethan cause the goody that Anna is went back to work.

I decided not to hate this guy cause he was fun to be around with.Wow I'm now proud that I spend one whole hour not thinking or daydreaming about Nicky.Ethan sure is a distraction.Well I guess today I met someone new and I think we would get along just fine.

But that's what I thought till few days after.


The chapter is short I know but just remember it's a short story so don't whine .

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