Chapter#5 Kicking the Kid

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Who is a kid ?And who is a teen ? Now who is a teen that acts like a kid ? That would be moi (me ) 😉
Simple Plan - I'm just a kid 🔝

We were now in 7th block doing our work until Ethan as always interrupted."So Who's older??",Ethan ask both me and Anna."I'm about one month older than her ",I pointed to Anna."When is your birthday?".I snorted since when was he so curious."What's with the questions??".Ethan just rolled his eyes,"Just answer them when is your birthday?".I sigh cause I know he can be pretty stubborn if he wants but what he doesn't know is that I am as well."Anna's is on February 25th",I answer with a evil smile."ugh C'mon Char when is ur birthday ??".I smirk evilly sarcasm mode active."Well I was born on 2004 how bout you Ethan??".I can see he was getting annoyed but still kept on asking."Fine it's on January 5th happy !!!! Geez you get on my nerves sometimes." After getting what he want which meant annoying me he smirk."Well mine is on May so I'm still 12". I snorted ha he is still a kid while I'm a teen ha amateur.(looks who's talking ?? Shut up mind).

"So you guys are teens while I'm just a kid ??". "I guess we are kid",I smirk.
"So Anna that means we are more 'mature' than him or not ??" I hoped Anna would be on my side but knowing her she will."Yeah we are in this group you are the eldest one here Char so you can make Ethan do things for you right KID ??" We both fist bump."That's not fair I'm the only guy here and also the only kid !!!",he pouted making him look more childish. "Aww don't worry kid you'll once be a teen and mature too".He kicked me instead of answering. "Wow so mature Ethan",I kick him back."I am mature!!".He kicked me back.And that lead to another argument.

He kick me ,I kick him back,since he was in front of me it was easier to kick him and for him to kick me too.We we're both laughing cause he struggle when I put both weight of my legs on his and since his skinny while I'm heavy he turn all red."Damn you are strong !!" I smirk and lay my legs on top of his.He then put both his legs in top of mine which I didn't like so I put one on top of his. That lead Ethan to squish my other free one in both of his and we were a tangle mess. "Move your legs they're heavy!!!" ,for being skinny he was heavy maybe cause he was a bit taller than me."You move yours!!!" I got tired of this so with all my strength left I got mine out and may or may not step on his leg with my shoe.He yelp in pain and took out his leg out and did the same to me. "Ouch!!",he smirk triumphantly."That's what you get ." I send him a glare and step on his foot. "Now that's what you get",I smile triumphantly.

After all the kicking the Kid finally stop but still left his legs close to mine.I send him a glare as a warning.He smirk and slouched more.That annoyed me to the max so I kick his chin hard. He yelp an Ouch and I just smirk.

Char's New Distraction Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora