Chapter#18 Old Memories/Movie Time

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This Is The Life-Two Door Cinema Club
Tomorrow is gonna be our last day being 7th graders. I want to have fun this last two days and I'm sure am.

"Dude is our last day in this block cause tomorrow is half day " , I dramatically sniff. Anna side hug me while sitting on top of the desk next to me . "I know we had good memories in this block " . I gave her a sad smile. "Remember when we sing to our go to song ' Don't Stop Believing ' and we play the air guitars??" , I chuckle at the memory " We look at each other and smirk . "DON'T STOP BELIEVING!! " , We sang/shout looked up the ceiling and did our air guitars .We laugh new memory of the year . " Good times " .

"Remember the time when I laugh too much I bang the table cause I couldn't control it and I was gasping for air ?? Aww it seems like it was yesterday " . "It was yesterday Char you laugh too hard even Ethan hear you across the room " , we both laugh. "Oh yeah it was !! I'm so stupid , don't answer that " , I warn Anna which I knew she was barely going to say yes . I'm gonna miss our science class it was fun and the teacher was cool. "Remember all those times we sang and then the awkward silence cane in ?? " , I shook my head at the awkward silence always came in when we sing . "Yeah our voice goes from loud to barely a whisper ".

We were currently doing our 'groovy walk' (it's a moonwalk with wiggly arms). "Sugar ,Sugar ,Water ,Water ,stir ,stir ,stir " now we are doing our lemonade dance we 'stir' an imaginary lemonade. "We are insane Anna!!",we both giggle. "No we are freaky and weird together we are freaking weird !!!", she said and I did a super hero pose and she join in.

We enter our 7th block it was full of 8th graders.Me and Anna exchange a weird look. "Sorry guys we have to share the room with the 8th graders just sit in the other side of the room",We groan and took a sit soon after Ethan came. "Cool we are watching a movie " ,Ethan said I rolled my eyes . "Hey Dude !!" ,Aran greeted. "Sup Aran" ,I greeted back. Anna was sitting to left in the corner,Ethan was in front of me,and Aran to my right.

"Ugh I hate this movie it's so boring",I groan and put my head on the table. "Aaah you don't have a childhood !!",Aran said. "Aww don't worry Char" ,I cross my arms and slouch. "Ugh I want to put my legs on the chair but someone is in it", I turn towards Ethan. He put his hands up in surrender ,"To make you cheer up I'll let you put your legs on top of my lap" , I shook my head. "Nah I'm alright"
Cause you have a girlfriend .Shut up mind.

I felt my leg being pulled up by someone and I look towards Ethan. "I'm alright I already told you E " , he scoot on his chair and pat the spot. "Here put them next to me ", he insist. I shook my head and he finally gave up.

I was watching the movie cause their was nothing else to do. Then I felt Aran scooting his head my way. I turn to look for help and Ethan immediately turn to look at Aran. I could scoot away uncomfortable. "Dude she doesn't like guys leaning to her ",I thanks him with my eyes he nodded.
"She let's you do it " , Ethan glare to Aran and He smirk.

" She looks like you Charlene !! ",Aran pointed to a hippo girl . I smack his arm .
"Dude she's not like a hippo !!", Ethan defended me , I smile inwardly. "What she sings good I bet Charlene can sing " ,Both if them look my way. "I do like singing but I don't look like a hippo". I put my head back to the table.

"Look that looks like Charlene !!", Aran pointed to a momma pig with tons of piglets. I glare at him. "Char you better not end up with a douchbag , so Ethan is out of the question ", he said then he padded my thigh. It felt weird. "Hey !!!", Ethan glare at Aran. "What you guys flirt a lot !!",he said while putting his hands up in surrender. Me and Ethan both glare at him .

"Let me fold it !!" Anna said . "No I'm his bro so I'll do it !!" Aran said. Aran and Anna were fighting of who will fold Ethan's shirt. "No I'll do it !!" , I cut them both off and got his shirt. "Yeah just let her do it she knows how ",Aran said. It was a huge shirt for a lean Ethan . "Are you sure this is yours it's too big !!" ,he just shrug. "Done ", I said while handing the shirt back to Ethan folded neatly. "Now that's how you fold a shirt "Aran said. Ethan thanks me and smile. "Like a boss"

After a few minutes the bell rang . "It was boring in last block ",Anna said while yawning. "Nah not for me you know the guys always annoyed me but they make it fun ". She shrugged. "Well see ya tomorrow ". "Chao girl ", I waved Anna off

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