Chapter#3 My crush

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🎶my crush is black and poisonous🎶
Ha get it instead of my touch it's my crush no ? No P!ATD fans ? No ? Okay .😔

After a few days Ethan and Char's bond grew more over last block.They now even talk a bit during their 3rd and 6th blocks they have together too.Now teasing and fooling around it's the next step of their bonding,and some serious talk too.

Anna text me she was sick today so I'm all alone today.Its been so boring without her I even put attention to all the classes ,that's how bored I am.I think I felt asleep through 3rd block but don't blame me that bitchy social studies teacher is damn boring.She even slam a desk to wake everyone up."Aww is someone bored ??" Ethan ask me but I was too tired to respond so I just put my head on the desk and waved him off."He he he someone misses their best friend",I again didn't respond and gave him a thumbs up.He just chuckle to my respond.

Finally the bell rang ,Hallelujah, one more block and I'm out of this hell hole.Since there was no one to gossip with I went straight to my 7th block class.I put my head down cause I was still a little sleepy until someone bang a chair and made the table vibrate and hurt my ears."Who the fu.....ugh it's just you ",no other than Ethan was getting his sit.He chuckle responding ,"Well someone is grumpy today ,how's your day so far without Anna ??".Since it been a week since I met him we kind of talk a little more during this block."If you know why do you even ask Ethan??"I was bored so I just try to work on my assignment."Well Charlene I'm just trying to make you company today so you would at least distract yourself during this block,"Ethan said while sliding to the sit in front of me."Okay I'm bored you wanted to talk so let's talk go ahead talk about something."I gave in and put my work aside ready to listen to him."Okay so since when did you and Anna know each other???",he asked.By now I was a little more awake and I sigh."Well we met last year and since then we became good friends".He chuckle and said "Well you guys seem to be really good friends and you also seem to know each other really well it's funny when you guys fight."Yeah we play around sometimes and yeah we know each other really well."We both chuckle of the time Anna and I were shushing our selves and when Ethan joined in.

"You know I once dated this girl I don't know if you her",I nodded now interest in the convo.Ethan chuckle to my eagerness and continue talking about his ex's and hoe's oops it's ex's and oh's ,you know like the song never mind.I'll take advantage of that juicy gossip cause I didn't took my daily gossip form Anna so I needed."Well now we are barely in speaking terms and I think I'm starting to hate her but whatever I don't care......",he went like that for the next half hour.We both laugh at the comments I threw through out during his summary of ex's."So do you like someone ?",Ethan took me out my train of thoughts.I dumbly ask,"What ??"."I ask if you like anyone ???".After I heard what he said I shook my head."I'm not gonna tell you and plus why do you care ???",he just chuckle to my respond ."That just will be fair since I told you who I like and all about the girls I dated ,so now tell me who is the lucky guy ???".I sigh and shook my head again."I ain't gonna tell plus how could I trust you I only know you for a week."He chuckle and got closer so I could tell him ."Common just tell me already just say it to my ear ",he pointed to his ear and got closer.I decided to play a little with him ."Okay fine you win,"I signal him to get closer and instead of saying a name I .....blew air to his ear.His face made me crack up in laughter."Charlene that's not funny cmon just tell me ?!?!?".I slap his hand and told him to quiet down."Fine I'll give you clues he wears glasses,is in the football team,and you might talk to him."He started to say random names ."I know who Nicky !!!!,"Instead of slapping his hand I kicked him."Quiet down you need to promise me you won't tell anyone got it ?!??"He salute me and I just rolled my eyes.I went back to do my work until I felt him kick me ."What was that for !!",I exclaim kicking him back."For kicking me in the first place."he kick me back and I kick him back and so on so forth.I got tired of kicking so I step on his foot making him yelp.I smirk and continue doing my work.

"You know you are fun to talk with and to be a girl you are pretty rough."He chuckled .
I smile in respond,"What can I say I'm not your typical girly girl you are use too."He smirk in respond.

We spend the rest of the block bickering until the final bell rang .Even of just knowing him for a week he is someone I could talk or bicker with .

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