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(Published: 6/25/17)

Draco's POV:

~Time Skip - Summer Break~

I wiped my sweaty palms against these foul jeans. Never had I thought I'd be in muggle clothing, with my boyfriend, going to visit the Weasley's home for supper.
Tonight was the night, after a few, short months, that we would come out to both the Weasley household and the rest of the Order. Sure, maybe not everyone would be there, but enough would to spread the word fairly quickly.
We'd just barley managed to convince both Ron and Hermione not to say anything just yet, and to let us tell them.
It was the second week of Summer vacation, and the Dursely's had been thrilled to get rid of Harry early. Not that I'd ever say this out loud, but I really couldn't understand their thinking in that.
Who would want to get rid of Harry...
"Come on, Dray!" Harry said, having just arrived at the Weasley house. I took a deep breath, and began walking, a bit faster now, toward the crooked, old-looking house. It really was quite a sight, and most certainly held together my magic.
"Wow." I said, not really sure if I meant it as a complement or not.
"I know right?" Harry obviously took this as a complement, which made me smile.
We hurried on to the Weasley's house, and I realized just how stupid this could be.
Out of everyone in there, only Ron and Hermione know I'm coming... I can think of an endless list of ways this could go very, very wrong for us.
I only grew more nervous as we approached the crooked house. My heart began pounding so hard I was surprised that Harry hadn't heard it.
Then Harry knocked on the door, and I was sure it would beat straight out of my chest.
Ron opened the door, and eyed me. "I didn't think you'd actually show up." He said.
I rolled my eyes. "Thanks for the faith, Wea-Ron."
Ron just laughed and let us both in.
"Good luck." He said. "You're going to need it..."
Harry walked in first, with me on his heals and Ron on mine.
Everyone was in the living room, talking, laughing. So many of the Order. Of the very people I had once been so determined and focused on killing for Voldemort.
They all greeted Harry warmly, with the exception of Moody, then they saw me, and the room was drop dead silent.
Mrs. Weasley purses her lips. "Harry..." she said slowly. "May I speak with you a moment?"
"Uh..." he replied oh-so-wisely. "I think we should probably all talk together... if that's okay."
Looking around the room, I took note of who all was here, including; All of the Weasley's, Hermione, Madeye Moody, Tonks, Lupin, and Kingsley.
Since no one else had spoken, Harry took it as his que to continue. "So, there's obviously something that we need to tell you..."
I sighed. "Brilliant as always, Harry." I said sarcastically. "What Harry means to say, is, that we have been dating for that past couple of months, and he wants your approval."
Harry turned to me, an annoyed expression in his face. "Was that really necessary?" He asked.
"Well, it's the reason I came here."
"Yeah, but you could've been gentler."
"Why? They were going to find out one way or another and I just sped up the process."
"Wait!" Fred said suddenly, interrupting Harry and I. "You two have been dating behind our backs?"
"To be fair," I began. "Ron and Hermione both knew."
"Not helping, Draco!" Harry scolded me.
"Sorry." I replied, not really meaning it.
"Why him?" George asked. "Just curious. After all he's done, why him?"
Harry merely shrugged. "I've been asking myself that for months now, and can't think of a thing."
"Hey!" I said, pretending to be hurt. "No need to be like that."
I noticed Lupin rubbing his forehead wearily. That's when he spoke. "And how do you know, Harry, that this isn't another trick? That you are completely lucid, and not under some sort of spell or potion?"
"Well," Harry began, "for one thing, I didn't eat or drink anything the first night, well, nothing he'd touched. And then there's the fact that Hermione checked me over about fifty times. So, yeah, I think I'm pretty lucid."
There was a long pause, in which the Order members looked to one another, silently contemplating as to what they ought to do. Finally, Lupin nodded and they all seemed to reach some form of agreement.
"Alright then." Said Mrs. Weasley. "If Harry and Hermione both trust you, then we can give you a second chance. But only a second. You won't get a third, understood?"
"Yes Ma'am." I replied. And although I tried not to, a broad grin spread across my face. Then Mr. Weasley walked up.
He got so close that our noses were almost touching. I gulped, and he said, "Now, you listen very, very carefully. If you even think about hurting Harry, or anyone else we care about, in anyway, you'll have to answer to all of us. Clear?"
I nodded. "Crystal."
"Right then." He said, a smile brightening his face. "Come now, we have a bit to catch up on, don't we?"

~Time Skip - Tree Hours~

I had finally managed to escape from the non-stop questioning and storytelling, and was outside on the porch. By then, the sun was setting, and it was rather beautiful on the wide open fields the Weasley's lived on.
I heard the door open then shut behind me, and Harry hugged me from behind, resting his head on my shoulder.
"Hey." He said.
"What're you doing out here, all alone?" His tone was light and playful.
I chuckled. "Oh, nothing much. Just thinking about my boyfriend."
Harry cocked an eyebrow. "What about him?"
"Just that he's an idiot and I'm leaving him for his friend." I said, trying my best to keep my voice flat.
Harry saw right through this and hit my arm. "Hey! I am not an idiot!"
"Really? That's what you get out of this conversation?" I asked.
He shrugged with a grin. "Yeah, pretty much."
I rolled my eyes, and wrapped an stem around his shoulders, pulling him a bit closer.
After a minute or two, he broke the silence. "I think they're okay with us." He tole me quietly.
"Really? I think they more of...tolerate us. They don't trust me yet. Besides maybe Hermione and Ron.... Okay, maybe Hermione."
Harry laughed. "Ron trusts you."
I scoffed. "He hates me."
"No he doesn't. It's not like I'm dating his sister or anything." (AN: Cough cough, wink wink.)
"Yeah, I suppose you're right." I said with a sigh.
Harry leaned closer to me, and we watched as the stars began to come out.
"I love you." Harry whispered.
I looked down at him, remembering the first time I realized how much I truly cared for him.
"I love you too."

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