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(Published: 6/11/17)

Harry's POV:

I woke up slowly, still feeling groggy, and the first thing I noticed, was that I was laying on someone's chest.
This took me a minute to process, and when I did, I looked up to see Draco smiling down at me.
"Hey, Sleepyhead." He said, brushing the hair back from my forehead, and kissing it gently.
I smiled sleepily up at him. "Hey."
"Did you dream well?"
I nodded. "You?"
"Absolutely." He replied happily. Draco then looked up towards the clock. "We slept in. It's already ten..."
I groaned. "I don't want to leave.."
"I know, neither do I, but we've already missed our morning classes, and-"
"And so there's no really point in going to the rest! We can say we felt ill or something."
Draco looked a little skeptical. "Both of us, at the same time? After all that's happened? I don't know how that'll work out..."
"Then you can be the one who's sick and ill just not feel like doing anything."
"I think you've got it a bit backwards there. Aren't I supposed to be the rebel?"
I laughed. "Yeah, but that's gotten you into enough trouble, don't you think?"
"And what," he asked. "Your just innocent in all this?"
"Technically." I replied, grinning.
Now it was Dray's turn to laugh. God I missed that. He has such a beautiful laugh...
"Alright." Draco replied at last. "Fine, we can skip for today, but how are we going to explain this to your friends? And what about food? We'll have to go out to get that, won't we?"
I smiled. "Are you forgetting where we are?" I asked.
Draco chuckled a bit. "Alright. Okay. Stop being difficult."
"I'm being difficult? You're the stubborn one! I'm just trying to get to spend more time with you!" I said with a laugh.
Draco smiled again. "Sure. Whatever you say."

Hermione's POV:

"Ron?" I asked as I fell in step beside him in the crowded corridor. "Have you seen Harry today?"
Ron shook his head. "No. maybe he's sick or something like that."
"Well, how was he last night?" I asked.
"What do you mean?"
"Last night, when he came into the dormitory. Did he seem to be ill at all?"
Ron looked a bit nervous all of the sudden. "I- well, um...."
I raised an eyebrow at him. "Ron? Is there something you'd like to tell me?"
"Y-Yeah." He said. "I didn't exactly see Harry last night either."
"Roland Weasley!" I scolded. "Harry could be hurt! Or worse! And you just stand by while no one has seen him all day and all night! What were you thinking?"
"Well I-" he began.
"No! I know the answer. You weren't thinking at all, were you?!?"
Ron tried once again to speak to me, but, once again, I cut him off. "Don't! Not right now. I'm angry, and we need to focus on finding Harry, and making sure he's okay."
"Alright." Ron mumbled, following my fast pace as best as he could.
Think. Think. Come on! Where could Harry possibly be?
Suddenly, just like that, one idea came to me. There was someone I could ask to help find him.

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