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(Published: 2/18/17)

Third person POV:

Everyone at Hogwarts continued as they were, Harry still under the strong potion, Draco falling in love with the very boy he should hate More than anything, Hermione and Neville still unable to get any proof that anything was wrong, and Ron, still being ignorant and, though he wants to forgive his friend, is still being cold to Harry.
This went on for weeks, and it is now late October, and everyone is preparing for Halloween. It's the Saturday before Halloween, and Hermione and Neville are still thinking of ways to find something off with the youngest Malfoy. Let's see how this goes wrong...

Hermione' POV:

"Oh, come on Neville!" I yelled. "We have to have something! It's been weeks!"
"I know," Neville whispered back, cowering in his chair in the library. "Maybe Harry genuinely likes Mal-"
"No!" I yelled, refusing to believe I'd wasted that much of my time. "There has to be something. Draco's just good at covering his tracks, that's all." I sighed and sank back into the hard wooden chair beside Neville, who seemed to be regaining the color in his face.
"I'm sorry." I said.
"I-It's okay." He replied. "You're just worried about Harry."
"Not just Harry," I told him. "Ron's not talking to Harry, and is now refusing to talk of him. I don't know what I'm going to do about them. It's chaos!" I sighed again, and rested my head in my hands.
"On the bright side," Neville said, trying to sound cheerful, "winter breaks coming up soon. You'll be able to go home to your family!"
My head shot up with eh sudden realization. "Oh," I said. "Neville, your a genius! I'm so stupid!"
"Uh, thanks..." Neville said, "but your really not..."
"Yes, I am!" I replied, standing quickly, "I never realized."
"Realized what?" Neville sounded worried and a little scared at the same time.
"Winter break is coming." I replied, beginning  to walk to the library door.
"Yeah," Neville said, rushing to keep up with me. "I just told you that."
"Yes Neville." I replied happily. "Yes you did, and thank you so very much for it."
"You welcome?"
I laughed at his questioning tone, startling Neville.
"Hermione..." he asked carefully. "Are you okay?"
"I've never been better Neville." I replied, walking up the stairs to the Gryffindor common room.
"Are you going to explain what your so happy about?" He asked, still sounding wary.
"Winter break Neville, Harry will have to be away from Draco for two weeks! We'll finally have our proof!"

Draco's POV:

I've been thinking a lot about the coming winter break, and I know I need to ask Harry to come to my house, that or find out if he's staying here, and stay with him. But what if he was going somewhere else? He wouldn't go with Ron to his house would he? Not with Ron still mad at him, right?
There thoughts swarmed me as I walked into the Slytherin common room. I quickly looked to see that no one was around, then turned towards the fireplace and waited.
A few moments later, the face of my father appeared in the bright flames.
"Draco," he said. "Is everything going as planned?"
I nodded. "Yes, all that's left, is to make sure Harry stays near me at Christmas, or everything is over."

Sorry for the short chapter, but it's now time for a quiz!

Q: Where did Harry go for his fourth Hogwarts Christmas?

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