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Sorry for the slow update! Hope you enjoy!

(Published: 5/16/17)

Hermione's POV:
"I'm telling the truth Ron, and you know it!"
Ron stood in front of me, dumbfounded and confused. "And you're serious?"
"But, why would any Malfoy do anything like that?"
"There's only one reason I can think of." I replied.
Ron suddenly looked as though he was going to be sick.
"You're sure?" He asked.
I nodded. "Yes. The potion in Harry's gift from Draco was an anti-love potion. Draco likes Harry!"

Harry's POV:

"H-Harry?" He asked.
Madame Pomfrey sprang up from the chair she'd been sitting in, and went through some sort of checkup. I wasn't really paying attention to her.
Draco is awake.
"What's going on?" Draco asked. He looked pale and confused, and I wanted to reassure him that everything was going to be okay, but... at the same time, so many things were messed up.
Draco needs rest, and protection, and all the others think I still need protection from Draco... Still, I liked him. A lot. And I'm not so sure I'm willing to let go very easily.
"Harry?" Draco asked again, trying to sit up, but Madame Pomfrey pushed him back down and told him he needed to rest. Then, ever so gently, she took my arm, and guided me out of my chair.
I was still stunned and confused as to what to do, so I didn't resist as she led me out of the Hospital Wing and told me that Draco needed to get rest, and that I could visit him later on tomorrow.
All I could do was nod. I couldn't think. I could barely see where I was going.
Whatever it was that I was feeling, it was absolutely nothing like I imagined I would feel when Dray woke up. I thought I'd feel happy, and relieved. Instead, I'm nauseous.
I feel worried, and confused, and angry, and relieved, and happy all at once and I'm not really sure how to deal with that.
I soon found myself at the painting of the Fat Lady, and, mindlessly muttering the password, I stepped through the entrance and into the Gryffindor common room.
I sat in my usual chair, barely paying any attention to Ron and Hermione as they argued about something. That is, until I heard Draco's name being mentioned.
"What about Draco?" I asked quickly.
Both of their heads snapped around to face me, and they each blinked slowly at me, as though only now realizing that I was sitting here.
Hermione got over her slight shock first. "Oh!" She said. "Harry, there's something I have to tell you! It's about the gift Draco gave to you for Christmas."
"What about it?" I asked.
"Well," Hermione began slowly. "I opened it, following a hunch I had the other day, and a mist shot out of it!"
"Okay, so...we already thought he may have tried to renew the love potion... What's so important about the 'mist'?"
Hermione sighed slightly. "It wasn't a love potion! Quite the opposite, in fact."
I blinked. "Wait, really?"
She nodded.
I looked over to Ron for reassurance. He looked like he was about to be sick, but shook his head, all the same.
"Okay." I said, trying to figure out how to react.
"Okay?" Ron asked. "That's all you have to say about this? Okay?"
"Well, what do you want me to say?" I asked. "I don't know how I'm supposed to react to this! I mean, it's a good thing, isn't it?"
"I good thing?!" Ron looked like the vain in his neck was about to burst, so Hermione stepped in.
"Well," she said carefully. "It's not a bad thing. But," she added, before Ron could object. "This could have been some sort of a trap, or something like that. You know, to get us to let our guard down."
"Yeah!" Said Ron.
I sighed. "I'm going to bed. I'll think about it, and talk to you guys tomorrow."
Hermione nodded, and Ron spread his arms out as if he couldn't believe what I was saying, but, he let me go.
I didn't say another word to any of the other boys as I prepared for bed. My mind was far too crowded with thoughts of Dray, and of what would happen now.
The news Hermione gave me didn't really change much, only some of the others minds, but I was already with him on this.
My thoughts only grew more and more troubled for his wellbeing, until I finally drifted into a restless sleep.

~time skip - the next day~

I skipped breakfast, and basically spent the entire day avoiding Ron and Hermione as much as I could. Soon, lunch came, and I once again skipped a meal.
I knew I couldn't keep this up forever, but I still didn't know what I was going to say to them when they asked me about Draco.
I'd decided last night that I'd at least talk to Draco first. Besides, I knew he'd be let out of the Hospital Wing later on today, so all I really had to do was wait.
And wait....
And wait....
God, I don't think there's ever been a slower day than this one....
Finally, my last class of the day ended, and I rushed towards the Hospital Wing as fast as I could. When I got there, Draco's bed was empty, and Madame Pomfrey was cleaning off his bedside table.
When she was me, she told me that he'd been released only ten minutes ago, and that she wasn't sure where he was. I thanked her, and left, my shoulders slumped, head down, and feet dragging on the floor as I walked.
I went through a list of places I thought he might be, but none seemed very likely...
There is one place...
Running through the corridors as fast as I could, I finally found the old door I'd been looking for.
It was closed, witch could've been a good or a bad thing.
Taking a deep breath, I placed my hand on the doorknob, and slowly opened it.

One Taste Was All It Took - DrarryWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu