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(Published: 2/1/17)

Harry's POV:

"Beautiful view, isn't it?" Asked a voice from behind me.
I whipped around to find Draco Malfoy standing in the doorway of the small classroom. The young Slytherin walked over to me, the moonlight catching his white-blonde hair and turning it pure silver.
"May I sit?" He asked, nodded at the desk I was sitting on. Someone's being awfully polite.
I nodded, and watched as he sat next to me.
"Why are you acting weird?" I asked him suddenly.
"You mean why am I acting 'nice'?" He asked. "That's hardly weird."
"Yeah, but for you that's like acting like Luna..." I replied.
Malfoy nodded, then shrugged. "I don't know." He said, simply.
We sat there for a minute or two, looking out onto the grounds. I checked the Marauders Map to see that Filtch was still far away with Mrs. Norris.
Looking back at Draco, I noticed he had something in his hand.
"What's that?" I asked.
Draco looked at me for a moment, then to the thing in his hand.
"Oh," he said, showing me two small cakes he had. "Do you want one? Pansy gave them to me before I left the common room. I hadn't realized I still had them."
I accepted the cake, but waited for him to take a bite of his before slowly lifting my own to my mouth.
I sniffed cautiously. The cake smelled amazing... the smell ended up distracting me, and I dropped my guard and took a bite.
A moment later, any and all hint of worry and caution had drained from my mind. The night was beautiful, the moon was full, and everything just seemed so serene. It was the most wonderful, blissful feeling in the world, and I found myself smiling contently.
"Harry?" Draco asked. "You okay?"
I looked over at the other boy. They way his hair was slicked back, and the silver look the moon gave it. His eyes, an icy grey. Even the smell of his hair gel...
I nodded, answering his question, but I felt a little slow. I realized that my hair was a mess, especially compared to his, and that the rest of me couldn't have looked much better. My mind wouldn't tell me what to say, the palms of my hands were starting to sweat, and my stomach did a backflip.
Great, now I was just sitting there staring like a fool.
"Draco..." I said, trying to think of what to say or do. The next thing I knew, we were kissing. I don't know how it happened, and at first Draco seemed shocked, then, he melted into the kiss.
We pulled back at the same time, both a little shocked at what had just happened, but I also felt...amazing. We'd just kissed!
Wait...we'd just kissed...
"I'm sorry!" I gasped quickly. "Normally I wouldn't-I don't usually-I'm so sorry!"
Draco smiled his amazing smile, and gave me a funny look that I couldn't quite place.
"You're not a bad kisser Potter." He said.
"W-what?" I asked him, butterflies fluttering in my stomach.
"You heard me." He replied. "And, I was wondering if...maybe you'd like to be my boyfriend? I didn't ask earlier because of Ginny, and I wasn't sure of you even liked boys... So what do you say?"
"Yes!" I said, a little too enthusiastically.
Draco grinned again, and my heart skipped a beat. How could I ever have hated him? He was amazing...
"So, you and Ginny are over?" He asked.
"I'll break up with her tomorrow morning." I informed him.
Draco nodded and, once again, smiled at me. Normally I would have thought he was hiding something from me, but who, with a smile like that, could possibly be hiding something without a good reason?

Draco's POV:

I was making my way back to the Slytherin common room, the effects of the liquid luck starting to fade.
It seemed as though the Amortentia I gave Potter had the intended effect. It was brilliant, if I do say so myself, to eat a cake to make him drop his guard enough to smell the potion's intoxicating aroma. Potter didn't stand a chance once he'd gotten a whiff of it.
Though, I must admit the kiss had been a bit unexpected. Not that I'm complaining... wait, what?
There is no way I enjoyed kissing Harry Potter! I loath him! What is wrong with me?
I shook my head, trying to clear it of all these disturbing thoughts, and made my way down to the dungeons. I had to focus only on getting information out of Harry. Nothing else.

Quiz time!

Q: What potion did Ron suggest Harry had taken by mistake when Harry drank the Felix Felicis?

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