23. Should I stay or should I go?

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"Cris, we need you" Zidane's words were echoing in my head.. Oh my god.. Should I stay or should I go?

Pappai"- I heard Emma's voice.

Sir, since the children are with you,I'm leaving"- Sara, the babysitter of our kids came to me and gave me the kids. Lucas immediately started crying and Sara picked him up again.

Bring him to Ali's room, he wants to see her"- I told her and she nodded, then walked away.

Oh babygirl, come here"- I got Emma in my hands, opposite of Lucas, she always wants to be with me, so do I.

I started tickling her and she started giggling, the giggle soon became in laughing and we both were having fun on the couch.. Oh she's so cute, I wish she was a bit older so we could talk in those hard times...

My little princess, you mean everything for me, you know?"- I kissed her cheek and laid her down on my chest. Soon, Emma fell in a deep sleep like she always do, but this time I decided that instead of letting her sleep in her room alone like always,I'll sleep with her.

I stood up with her still in my hands, turned off the TV and went straight to her room. She opened her eyes while I was going upstairs but when she saw we're still together, her smile was the cutest thing ever. When we finally reached the bed, we both laid down and immediately fell asleep.


While I was pretending that I'm sleeping, I saw that Cris is actually sorry, so this is all I need.. I mean I'll still wait for him to apologize, I thought it would be this morning, but I realized he's not even here. I'm sleeping alone, where is he?

I went to Phil and Jr's room and since the time is 7.23am they are still sleeping, I went to check Lucas, he and Emma have different rooms just because when the one of them start crying, we can't stop the other, so yeah he's still sleeping peacefully. I went to Emma's room and saw her curled up in Cris's arms, they're both sleeping like angels.. This is so freaking adorable..

When I finally took my look off them, I went downstairs to make some pancakes. I'll wake them up after that. Oh, Cris is going to Russia today, he was supposed to be there yesterday but with all this stuff going on, he will get on the plane today and play his match against Mexico tonight.



I'll miss all of you"- Cris hugged all of us before he left the house.

Mum, since dad left, why don't we have a movie marathon till the start of his match?"- Jr suggested.

Great idea! I'd love to!"- Philip yelled in happiness.

Okay, let me put Emma and Lucas in bed and we'll find some good films to watch"- I smiled and they hugged me both.


Damn it, we could win but okay.. It was a great match. At least we didn't lose.

Congratulations! You was very good on the field"- Ali screamed on the phone.

I know, I'm always doing my best"- I laughed.

I swear to god that Emma was legit watching the whole game, she didn't even blink."- she said.

Oh my little girl, she is daddy's favourite"- I said, smiling at myself.

Oh.. What about me?"- Ali asked.

Aww, you are my other half amor"- I said.

Aww, I love you"- she giggled.

I love you too, and listen, I'm really sorry for yelling at you yesterday"- oh it's finally of my chest.

It's okay amor, apologize accepted"- she joked and giggled again.

I must go now. See ya soon baby"- I said.

Can't wait, bye"- she hung up.

Finally, I decided to open the RMA groupchat.. I have been ignoring the guys for some days..

Guys calm down, I think everything is
alright. Cris is maybe just having a rest from everything.

Maybe,but I'm still really worried, he has always been texting here at least. And we don't even know about his leaving..

Guys, what if he actually leave?

Let's hope that it won't happen but if that happens, I guess we should wish him luck in the new club.

We will miss him.

Guys, Cris is okay. I think he's still not sure about the leaving.. If he leaves, it would be a disaster, with fans and everything..

Told you. He is okay. And yeah, Celo is right.

There were couple more messeges but I decided to text them.

Guys, like I said before, right now, there is no way back. But you will always be my favourite teammates, no matter what..

Cris, where the hell have you been? And no, please don't leave.

Finally Cristiano. Man, you are scaring us, why is all of this? We need you.

It's not your fault guys, it's Spain's fault.. Don't forget I am a criminal right now..

With any word more, I closed the group chat, oh I am really sorry but I guess this is how it is supposed to be.

God of the lust~Cristiano RonaldoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora