3. It's a long story.

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I woke up and I saw it's 7:52 am, I got up and went to my papai's bedroom, I opened it but he wasn't there,am I home alone?
Then,I remind that Alison's there, so I went up in the guest's room. I quickly got into and I saw her still sleeping, she was wearing my papai's t-shirt.

Ali"-I whispered on her ear.

Good morning Junior"-she said still sleepy.

Good morning to you, too. Do you know where's Papai?"-I asked her.

Oh, I really don't know, but let's go downstairs and find him"-she said and we went downstairs.

Papai left us a message that he's in the super market and he'll come home soon. Ali made a breakfast, we'll eat some eggs and bacon, yay, my favourite.

Ali? "-I said to her while we were eating.

Yeah?" - she asked.

Please don't go in the hotel, I already love you very much and i'll miss you.. "-I said and she gave me a surprised look.

But, Junior, I think it'll be better to me to stay in a hotel, plus we must ask your dad about it" - she said and I smiled.

Okay"-he said and we continue with eating.


Junior has just asked me to stay in their house, DAMN, but we must ask Cristiano.
The door opened and Cristiano got into.

Hola"-he said and smiled

Hola"-I and Jr said together.

There's no breakfast for me? "-Cristiano asked making the same puppy eyes like Jr.

What? Sorry, I'll make you some, I thought you had breakfast earlier.." - I started to apologizes and he laughed.

I'm just kidding, I had my breakfast, you are so beautiful this morning "-he said and widely smiled.

Thank you Cristiano, and don't do that again, I thought you really haven't eat anything.." - I said.

Papai, can Ali stay here for a while? I like playing with her, she's my best friend now"-Junior said and I giggled.

Of course she can, if she want. It'll be amazing ! "-Cristiano said looking at me happy.

Sure, but, Cristiano you have practices and all.." - he cut me of before I can continue.

I'm injured after that start on Payet, you remember? "-he said laughing, Oh how could I forget? He's injured, the knee must hurts..

I'm sorry, I forgot, are you alright now?" - I asked him fast.

I am, but not enough to play. "-he said.

Does it Hurt?" - I asked him, realizing how childlish it must have sounded.

Just a little bit.."-he answered and gave me one more smile.

So,if I am staying here, I guess I should go to the hotel and get my bag.."-I said.

Oh, just tell me the hotel's name and your room number, I'll tell Fernando and he'll bring it here. "-he said and I agreed, life is much easier with Cristiano Ronaldo..

Gareth will come for 30 minutes"-I heard Cristiano saying.

Yay! I haven't seen him for long time!"-Junior celebrated.

What? You mean Gareth Bale? He's coming here?"-I said with my eyes widely open.

Yes,he is coming"-Cristiano laughed.

Why are you laughing?It's perfectly normal that I'll be excited and afraid a bit,I mean I've been Real Madrid's fan for over 10 years,now I'll meet him.."-I said.

How cute you are,when you are shy.."-he started.

Stop Cristiano"-I said and he giggled.

Fernando came back with my bag and I was so happy, now I have my clothes finally. I went to my room upstairs to change my clothes, I mean, I was still in Cristiano's t-shirt.. I put my short jeans on and my favourite black converse t-shirt, I know it's a usual combination, but I'm not type of girl who likes dresses of something.. I just brushed my wavy hair,when I heard doorbell rang,oh my god,it must be Gareth Hot Bale , I heard Cristiano opens the door and greets him, I'm feeling so nervous and I went downstairs.

I saw Gareth's looking at me surprised, and then Cristiano said "This is Alison, I met her yesterday when Junior lost himself in the city center, she brought him home, and because we agree with each other a lot, she decided to stay in our house for a while"

Well, nice to meet you Alison"-Gareth said with a soft smile and he reached out his hand to greet, so I took it shyly.

Oh, I didn't mentioned that she's so shy because she is big madrista, and all this meeting is a lot for her"-Cristano said and they both with Gareth laughed a bit.

Gareth!!"-I heard Junior coming and jumped in Gareth's hands,cute..

Hola chico"-he said laughing.

After that I,Gareth and Cristiano were sitting on the couch and talking about random stuff, but most of it was about me.

So, you are american and you've loved Real Madrid since you were 8 years old? Why did you decide to come here so late? I mean you could come earlier, you could watch our previous match against FC Barcelona.."-Gareth asked me and I felt a bit sad.. I can't explain all my story again, so I hopefully looked at Cristiano and he understood.

Hm, it's a long story.. Sad story,so I think it'll be better to not talk about it"-Cristiano said.

Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you sad"-Gareth said upset.

No, it's alrght, you didn't know.. Anyway when will you guys have a match? I know Cristiano won't play because he's injured but, I want to see the whole team..."-I said and Gareth smiled.

Yeah, Cristiano won't play our first matches in La Liga, but you can come with him and watch us, even you can come in our mansion some day, then, you'll meet the whole team"-Gareth said and I looked at him happily.

Thank you god"-I mumbled,but they heard it so they burst of laughing.

Anyway,It's late,I must go,see you both soon"-Gareth said and he went to the outdoor, Cristiano stood up and went with Bale outside.


I like this girl"-Gareth said while we were going to the garage to get his car.

She's already mine"-I said to him.

Woah, wait, she's your girlfriend? I didn't know.."-he started.

Well, not yet, but she'll be soon. And I'm just saying that you can have her just like friend, nothing more"-I warned him jokingly.

Of course, Cris. I'm so happy for you honestly, I ship you guys"-he said and I laughed .

He went home, and I got into the house, I saw Alison fell asleep on the couch, oh she's so beautiful, I didn't want to wake her up so I picked her in my hands and i put her in her bed upstairs,then I mumbled "Good night princess" and kissed her forehead.

Guys,I'm back! I really hope that you like this,she already met Bale like wtf xD. I love Cristiano and her together,so everything can happen,you'll see soon,love ya all ^-^

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