14. It's blue.

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Cristiano, you are nominated for the best player in Europe, congratulations!! "-Phil yelled to Cris

Yes!! My papai is the best!"-Junior agreed with Philips, they were together for like 2 days and they get along very well.

I love you guys, and you know, we should congratulate Gareth too, we can send him a message." - Cris told them

Yes! I can't wait to meet him! "-Phil giggled happily.

Let's text him" - Cris said and we all sat on the couch and Jr opened the laptop.

Cris 😇: Congratulations for nominating for the best player in Europe man,congrats from me, Jr, Ali and her little brother Philip.

Gar😍: Thank you guys, I didn't expect this, I'm happy, congrats for you too! Btw is Philip the little boy who was the no. 1 fan of James? 😘

Cris😇:Yeah it's him! He want to meet you!

Gar😍: pleased to hear that, I want to meet him too!

Cris😇: Yay! See you in some days Garry! Bye!

Gar😍:Bye Crissy!

I'll meet him for some days!? "-Phil's mouth was widely opened

Of course, I promised you, didn't I?" - Cris winked at him and he nodded

Papai, Phil and I are best friends now! "-Jr said

Glad to hear that boys" - Cris said and I nodded

When will we know what gender the baby is? "-Jr asked me

Well I'm in the second month now and we'll know it in the fourth" - I answered

Yay, just two more months! "-Phil and Jr yelled together

We want to have brother and sister, the both" - Jr said

Well, I'm not sure what will be, but I'm 99% sure I'll give birth to one kid, I don't feel like I'm having two "-I laughed

But we want two" - Phil was upset

You'll get, I swear, if not now then for some years sure "-Cris told them laughing

Okay" - Jr muttered

We want to go on the beach "-Jr added

Now?" - I asked

Yeah "-Phil said

We're going then, get ready" - Cris said and Jr and Phil went upstairs with running.


You should wear the blue ones, I'll wear my blues too and we'll be twins"-I told Phil, I really like his blue swimming shorts.

Deal "-he said and he put on his blue ones,so I put mines too.

Phil I really like you, I wish we were real brothers" - I told Philip

I wish too, but we can make pinky promise that we'll stay together "-He gave me his pinky finger and I gave him mine.

We'll stay together no matter what" - I said and we hugged each other.


Are you ready? "-I asked Jr and Phil when they came downstairs both in blue swimming shorts

Yeah!" - they said

Wow coincidence! I'm in blue shorts too! "-Cris said and the kids giggled

What colour is your swimming suit Ali?" - Phil giggled

It's blue "-I burst in laughing

Let's go" - Cris said and we all went to the front door.

Hey guys! I'M SO DAMN HAPPY ABOUT CRISTIANO AND GARETH, MY BABIES! I should tell you that tomorrow I'm going on a holiday and there won't be Wi-Fi so I don't know if I'll update with 3G.But I'm sure that lately on Thuesday I'll update, love you all bye! 😍😘

God of the lust~Cristiano RonaldoWhere stories live. Discover now